Qual foi a casa original dos Valar?


Diz-se que Valinor não era o lar original dos Valar e que eles o criaram no hemisfério ocidental da Terra Média, mas não foi sua primeira casa. Qual era a morada original dos Valar antes que Melkor chamuscasse Arda com a luz das Duas Lâmpadas?

por Fingolfin 03.01.2016 / 01:07

1 resposta

Sua primeira casa foi o Timeless Halls, no Vazio, onde Eru mora. É onde eles foram criados e onde eles viveram antes da Música dos Ainur. Mas não acho que seja essa a pergunta que se faz.

Provavelmente, mais de acordo com seus pensamentos é onde eles viveram depois de entrar no Eä. Essa seria a ilha de Almaren, onde a luz das lâmpadas se misturava (ênfase minha):

Then the seeds that Yavanna had sown began swiftly to sprout and to burgeon, and there arose a multitude of growing things great and small, mosses and grasses and great ferns, and trees whose tops were crowned with cloud as they were living mountains, but whose feet were wrapped in a green twilight. And beasts came forth and dwelt in the grassy plains, or in the rivers and the lakes, or walked in the shadows of the woods. As yet no flower had bloomed nor any bird had sung, for these things waited still their time in the bosom of Yavanna; but wealth there was of her imagining, and nowhere more rich than in the midmost parts of the Earth, where the light of both the Lamps met and blended. And there upon the Isle of Almaren in the Great Lake was the first dwelling of the Valar when all things were young, and new-made green was yet a marvel in the eyes of the makers; and they were long content.

The Silmarillion III Quenta Silmarillion Chapter 1: "Of The Beginning of Days"

Um pouco mais de descrição é dada nos Anais de Aman, onde aprendemos (por exemplo) que era um continente central:

[T]he Valar made their dwelling upon a green isle in the midst of a lake; and that lake was between [the Two Lamps] in the midmost of Arda; and there in the Isle of Almaren, because of the blending of the lights, all things were richest in growth and fairest of hue. But the Valar were seldom there gathered in company, for ever they would fare abroad in Arda, each in his own business.

History of Middle-earth X Morgoth's Ring Part Two: "The Annals of Aman"

O próprio Almaren foi destruído quando Melkor derrubou as lâmpadas.

03.01.2016 / 01:24