História sobre os ritos de passagem dos adolescentes e alienígenas telepáticos (humanos ??) que apagam parcialmente as memórias?


Eu li este livro nos anos 80 e estou ficando louco tentando lembrar mais da história. Um grupo de adolescentes é enviado em seus Ritos de Passagem. Apenas um membro do grupo sobrevive à provação, mas é o contato com um indivíduo que bloqueia parcialmente a memória do ritual. Isso ajuda a evitar que os idosos examinem o adolescente e aprendam como sobreviveram ao ritual sozinho.

por Cindy 14.11.2012 / 03:25

2 respostas

Soa como a Série de tripés ,


The story of The Tripods is a variation on post-apocalyptic literature. Humanity has been conquered and enslaved by "the tripods", unseen alien entities (later identified as "Masters") who travel about in gigantic three-legged walking machines. Human society is largely pastoral, with few habitations larger than villages, and what little industry exists is conducted under the watchful presence of the tripods. Lifestyle is reminiscent of the Middle Ages, but artifacts from later ages are still used, giving individuals and homes an anachronistic appearance. Humans are controlled from the age of 14 by implants called "caps", which suppress curiosity and creativity and leave the recipient placid and docile, incapable of dissent. People who are capped are happy to leave home and serve the tripods. The caps cause them to worship the tripods. Some people, whose minds are broken (instead of successfully being controlled) under the pressure of the cap's hypnotic power become vagrants, who wander the countryside. One of the books contains a discussion among Masters that "We should cap humans sooner, to reduce the risk of precocious people getting independent-minded soon enough to try to evade being Capped, but we cannot, because we cannot Cap them until their braincases have stopped growing."

Se não for O Tripé, recomendo que o leia. Foi o primeiro livro de ficção científica que eu já li e realmente me levou a ler como um jovem adulto.

14.11.2012 / 05:31

Como Ximena indicou em sua resposta um pouco esparsa, Watchstar publicado por Pamela Sargent em 1980 realmente se encaixa.

Alone in the desert, Daiya is faced with dilemma that will determine her fate. If she can successfully resolve it she will join the Net of her village, but if she fails, her life will be spent with the feared Merged Ones. Confused and torn between worlds near and far, Daiya harbors a secret of her people, and must find a way to move beyond her discoveries to a safe place where she can survive.

Daiya encontra Reiho, um garoto cuja sociedade, que se ramificava da sociedade de Daiya no passado distante, agora reside em um cometa. Ele desceu ao planeta em uma espaçonave, curioso sobre o que aconteceu com sua antiga casa.

E, de fato, ela apaga sua memória dele para protegê-lo.

There was a mental discipline which could help her, but she did not know if she had the ability to make it work. It was a discipline used only in rare cases, when a person had suffered so grievously that only temporary forgetfulness could heal the hurt. She could take her memory back to the time when she had first seen Reiho’s craft, then, carefully, erase every trace of him. The memories would return if she saw Reiho or anything that reminded her of him, but that could not happen; he was not coming back. The comet would seem only what it had been before, a mysterious omen.

No entanto, ela o encontra novamente e é durante esse tempo que ela decide que nunca conseguirá compartilhar o segredo dele.

“You must understand that I can’t. They would not believe me. They would look into my mind and decide I was the victim of a great illusion, that I had grown so separate I could not be allowed to live, that I had shown them a …” She broke off. The boy was distracted, still looking around the great corridor, sneaking a peek through the railing at the gold and crystal pillars below. “Why don’t you go?” she asked.

Em última análise, Reiho sai, depois de revelar que seu mundo é sustentado por mais tecnologia do que comumente se acreditava, mas ele também a ensina a conectar-se telepaticamente com as mentes fundidas tecnologicamente de seu povo, o Homesmind, e isso a leva a encontrar um máquina semelhante em seu mundo.

— Let me leave here — she pleaded.

No, Homesmind said, and she knew the minds would not swallow her and strip her of herself. Your own world calls, and you have not begun to understand it. But I shall watch over you .

The other minds were gone. She stretched out her arms, clawing the air. Daiya rubbed her head, then lay down, gazing up at the night sky. She would build a hut, but she would rest out here so that she could look up through the trees and see the stars. Above her, the comet shone.

A wisp touched her, a slender bond. It caught her mind and held her. It was another Net. / We are with you / said the minds under the mountains. She would not be alone.

Seguiram-se duas sequências, Olho do Cometa e Homesmind .

21.01.2018 / 19:36