Zak Forsman tem um guia de créditos que ele postou em alguns sites (veja o link para o pedido).
The order of [opening credits, or first part of the closing credits if opening credits are not used]* is determined by guild rules -- SAG, the DGA, WGA and other unions. The order in which credits are billed generally follows their importance to the film, just not linearly. First is usually the motion picture company, followed by the producer, then the 'a film by' credit. Then we see the Title followed by the cast. from there we reverse gears on the whole "order of importance" guideline and work backwards to the director...
Closing credits do not have any hard and fast rules that dictate how they need to be ordered. But there are conventions that have been established. If you intend to have no opening credits (something George Lucas left the DGA over) you basically put the Director, Writer and Producer credits first, then go down the line for the closing credits ... special consideration is given for "name" actors, often they are credited just before the title comes up. and again, you have a lot of wiggle room with closing credits. some films credit the entire cast first, before the director. you have options here.
* Ênfase e mudanças, minhas.
Portanto, as regras da guilda e provavelmente da empresa de produção se aplicam. Tal como acontece com a maioria das coisas em Hollywood, tudo pode ser negociado, por isso nada está gravado em pedra.
A Escola Internacional de Cinema de Sydney tem essa regra :
For all films produced at IFSS there must be a complete credit sequence built upon the template below. Obviously if your particular production did not have a particular role then it shouldnʼt be included; likewise specialist roles not mentioned below but of significance to the film should be added. What is important is that the essential order of roles below is maintained.
Regras do SAG (9. Faturamento-Créditos) :
(Theatrical) Films with a cast of 50 or less, all performers shall receive screen credit. All other films, not less than 50 performers shall be listed at the end of the film. Stunt performers need not be identified by role. Should the Producer fail to meet the requirements of either the billing or credit provisions, [damages provided].
É claro que os detalhes mais sutis estão embutidos em contratos entre as Guilds e a produção e outras empresas envolvidas, e normalmente não estão disponíveis publicamente.