Suponho que o filme tenha um aspecto estranho ratio , mas ao dominá-lo para DVD ou BD, ele precisa caber dentro de 4: 3 ou 16: 9.
Tem certeza de que sua captura de tela é a foto real? Porque para mim parece que a imagem real é 16: 9 com barras pretas na lateral, e as barras pretas na parte superior e inferior são adicionadas pelo seu player, daí a windowboxing .
ATUALIZAÇÃO: de acordo com o IMDb, Sinbad é 1.66: 1 , que < a href=""> de acordo com este post no fórum :
As far as DVDs go, anamorphic means that the encoded image is 1.78:1 or 16:9. For 1.85:1 films that requires a small black bar to be added to the top and bottom of the image, for 1.66:1 films it requires a small black bar to be added to the sides of the image.
Há um longo artigo sobre 1.66: 1 em DVD-B , que explica:
Coinciding with the growth of DVD-Video has been a sharp increase in the popularity of widescreen displays. These were originally marketed for use with the nascent HDTV systems, but the relative lack of HDTV programming up to now has meant that most are instead bought by those seeking enhanced DVD viewing. Because these sets can use more vertical resolution with letterboxed and pillarboxed transfers than their standard 4:3 counterparts, DVD-Video includes a provision for "enhancing" raw images to use vertical video information that would once have been wasted. This enhancement allows widescreen-ratio titles to display with sharply increased resolution on widescreen displays; however, with 1.66:1 titles (like all widescreen ratios less than 1.78:1), it can only be employed at the expense of both reduced resolution and wasted display area on traditional 4:3 sets. The wasted display area shows up in the form of "windowboxing," where black bars appear not only at the sides of the image, but at the top and bottom as well.
O artigo explica a questão detalhadamente e mostra as várias soluções possíveis, ilustrando-as detalhadamente.
Não consigo encontrar a relação de aspecto Dog's Heart , mas espero que o mesmo problema esteja presente lá.