Por que Madge deu a Katniss o broche zombeteiro?

Quando Katniss se ofereceu como voluntária nos 74º jogos vorazes, sua amiga Madge, a filha do prefeito, a visitou e lhe deu um broche zombeteiro e foi muito insistente para que Katniss a usasse nos jogos:

Madge walks straight to me. She is not weepy or evasive, instead there’s an urgency about her tone that surprises me. “They let you wear one thing from your district in the arena. One thing to remind you of home. Will you wear this?” She holds out the circular gold pin that was on her dress earlier. I hadn’t paid much attention to it before, but now I see it’s a small bird in flight. “Your pin?” I say. Wearing a token from my district is about the last thing on my mind. “Here, I’ll put it on your dress, all right?” Madge doesn’t wait for an answer, she just leans in and fixes the bird to my dress. “Promise you’ll wear it into the arena, Katniss?” she asks. “Promise?” ~The Hunger Games, ch 3

Por que foi tão importante para Madge? Ela sabia que os zombeteiros eram o lembrete do fiasco do Capitólio para espionar a resistência e, portanto, um símbolo de esperança? Afinal, eles foram o resultado do experimento jabberjay com falha:

They’re funny birds and something of a slap in the face to the Capitol. During the rebellion, the Capitol bred a series of genetically altered animals as weapons. One was a special bird called a jabberjay that had the ability to memorize and repeat whole human conversations. They were homing birds, exclusively male, that were released into regions where the Capitol’s enemies were known to be hiding. After the birds gathered words, they’d fly back to centers to be recorded. It took people awhile to realize what was going on in the districts, how private conversations were being transmitted. Then, of course, the rebels fed the Capitol endless lies, and the joke was on it. So the centers were shut down and the birds were abandoned to die off in the wild. Only they didn’t die off. Instead, the jabberjays mated with female mockingbirds creating a whole new species. ~Ibid

Por que foi tão importante que Katniss deveria usá-lo? Madge achava que as pessoas reconheceriam o símbolo (como Cinna e Rue faziam) e ajudariam sua amiga?

por witchy 18.10.2017 / 17:49

1 resposta

Veio de sua tia que morreu nos Jogos Vorazes.

O significado do broche do mockingjay é expandido muito mais no segundo livro. Primeiro, quando Katniss e Madge se tornam amigas mais próximas, aprendemos que o alfinete veio da tia de Madge:

My fingers touched the mockingjay. "Even my pin now. Mockingjays are all the rage in the Capitol, thanks to you. Are you sure you don't want it back?" I asked.

"Don't be silly, it was a gift," said Madge. She tied back her hair in a festive gold ribbon.

"Where did you get it, anyway?" I asked.

"It was my aunt's," she said. "But I think it's been in the family a long time."

Mais tarde, quando Katniss e Peeta estão assistindo a filmagens do segundo Quarter Quell - Haymitch's Games - eles descobrem que esta tia foi uma homenagem nos Jogos:

As Maysilee Donner bravely disengages herself and heads for the stage, I catch a glimpse of my mother at my age, and no one has exaggerated her beauty. Holding her hand and weeping is another girl who looks just like Maysilee. But a lot like someone else I know, too.

"Madge," I say.

"That's her mother. She and Maysilee were twins or something," Peeta says. "My dad mentioned it once."

I think of Madge's mother. Mayor Undersee's wife. Who spends half her life in bed immobilized with terrible pain, shutting out the world. I think of how I never realized that she and my mother shared this connection. Of Madge showing up in that snowstorm to bring the painkiller for Gale. Of my mockingjay pin and how it means something completely different now that I know that its former owner was Madge's aunt, Maysilee Donner, a tribute who was murdered in the arena.

(emphasis mine)

Mais cedo, e novamente nesta passagem, nós também ouvimos sobre Maysilee como sendo uma amiga para a mãe de Katniss:

That was the year Haymitch won...

"I had a friend who went that year," says my mother quietly. "Maysilee Donner. Her parents owned the sweetshop. They gave me her songbird after. A canary."


"Ladies first!" She calls out the name of a girl who's from the Seam, you can tell by the look of her, and then I hear the name "Maysilee Donner."

"Oh!" I say. "She was my mother's friend." The camera finds her in the crowd, clinging to two other girls. All blond. All definitely merchants' kids.

"I think that's your mother hugging her," says Peeta quietly. And he's right.

Maysilee Donner era irmã gêmea da mãe de Madge, amiga da mãe de Katniss, aliada a Haymitch nos Jogos. Tudo se junta: a conexão entre os Jogos, Katniss e sua família, Madge, e o broche do mockingjay. Não era um símbolo de rebelião naquela época - tornou-se um só por causa de sua conexão com Katniss em seus primeiros Jogos - mas talvez seja apropriado que tenha feito isso.

18.10.2017 / 18:33