Por que Jacob não escolheu Richard como protetor da ilha?


No episódio "Ab Aeterno", Richard é convencido por Jacob de agir como intermediário entre Jacob e as pessoas que ele traz para a ilha.

Mas por que ele não escolheu Richard para este trabalho em primeiro lugar?

por Rahul 13.08.2017 / 20:27

3 respostas

Os candidatos são pessoas com falhas de alguma forma ou que tiveram problemas em suas vidas que não conseguiram resolver. Todas as pessoas que estavam nas Listas são boas pessoas que não precisam ser testadas e, por essa razão, não podem ser candidatas. The Man In Black e Jacob estão jogando um tipo de jogo com o candidato, ambos buscando recrutar o máximo de candidatos para o seu "lado" Jacob tenta salvá-los ou orientá-los na direção certa, onde como o homem de preto irá matá-los ou recrutá-los, dependendo de que lado eles caem, bem ou mal, e porque cada candidato é falho, eles são os mais facilmente influenciados para os lados. [da wikia perdida]

Richard trabalhou para Jacob por um longo tempo. Então eu acho que Jacob queria pagar por sua lealdade, independentemente da tentativa de Richard de matá-lo ou Richard sendo trabalhado para o homem de preto em algum momento. Estar sozinho em uma ilha e ter um inimigo poderoso, nunca foi uma tarefa fácil. Então, acho que Jacob queria contar seus aliados. Richard é um cara que ele conhecia há muito tempo e conhecia Jacob. Então eu acho que é por isso que Jacob o escolheu no ponto crítico da batalha. Por isso ele foi escolhido na época. Richard trabalhou muito tempo para provar a si mesmo e mostrou sua lealdade

25.08.2017 / 11:57

Porque Richard ficou na prisão por um bom tempo depois de assassinar o médico por 'acidente'.

É por isso que Richard não foi escolhido porque Jacob temia que alguém fosse morto. Leia mais para o encontro de Jacob e Richard reunidos:

Richard conhece Jacob:

We see Richard arrive at Jacob's beach with the statue in shambles. We could sit here and speculate how all of this statue debris on the beach and in the ocean are just gone in 2004-2007, but I'm going to skip right by that. Some of it probably sank to the bottom of the ocean. Everything else? Maybe Jacob has super strength and picked it up and threw it in the ocean too!

•Richard arrives to the foot and unsheathes the knife. The door to the foot is open. Jacob is outside and takes a shot at Richard right to the face. And he takes a few more shots. Richard tries still to attack him but Jacob takes him down and grabs the knife. Jacob then speaks asking Richard why he is here and who gave him the dagger.

•Richard asks where is wife is. Jacob claims to not know his wife and asked if she came on the ship. He then asks if Richard met a man in the jungle dressed in black. Richard explains to Jacob what MIB told him. He's the devil, if he wants to see his wife again he must kill him. Jacob looks clearly upset and tells Ricardo that it wasn't his wife that he saw. Richard says that it was her and that she is dead just like him. Jacob tries to convince Richard he's not dead. (note: some will say that Jacob never did acknowledge they're not in hell. But I would think saying he's not dead would prove this). Jacob then takes Richard into the ocean and submerges him repeatedly until Richard cries that he wants to live. Thus, proving that he's not dead. Interesting tactic!

•The next scene we see that Jacob has provided Richard with a blanket to warm up after his underwater adventure. And Jacob also brings wine for them both to drink and chat.

•Richard asks what is inside the foot. Jacob tells Richard that no one comes in unless he invites them in. If you recall, Richard said something similar to this in season 5's finale and Flocke told him he was beginning to think Richard was making up these rules as he went along. Jacob then goes into his whole reasoning for bringing people to the Island. •He said his name is Jacob and he is the one who brought their ship to the Island. When Richard asks why Jacob picks up the wine bottle and starts to compare the wine to what Richard is referring to as "HELL". Jacob gives it another name, Malevolence, evil, darkness (I guess we could call it SMOKEY!) Jacob says this evil is swirling in the bottle unable to get out. Because if it did it would spread. Hmmm, we had speculated a couple blog posts ago (I believe it was while discussing in the comments) that perhaps the real objective of this season to prevent Smokey from leaving the Island. Similar to Godzilla or King Kong, what would happen if this monster was unleashed upon the world? At first, I was thinking MIB was trying to leave the Island and return to human form. But is that even possible? What if he left the Island and was STILL Smokey? Is that where this show is heading? From Jacob's discussion with Ricardo, it sure seems that way. What does he mean by the EVIL "spreading?" Would Smokey terrorize the world or would he turn the whole world into Zombie followers like Sayid? Is this REALLY where the show is headed? I'll reserve my judgement until we know more, but the idea of Jack and crew's purpose of being on the Island as being called to be protectors of the Island and keep the world safe is not a bad idea. But is guarding Smokey really all that protecting the Island is about?

E também sobre o barco e ser o protetor:

Jacob tells Richard that there were many people brought to the Island before him and that they're all dead. Richard asks why Jacob didn't help any of them. Jacob says he wanted them to help themselves and to know the difference between right and wrong without him having to tell them. It would be meaningless if he had to force them to do anything. Richard retorts that if Jacob doesn't step in then the MIB would. •Jacob thinks about this for a second and then offers Richard the job of being his advisor. Maybe Richard could step in for him. He could be Jacob's representative to people he brings to the Island. Richard wants something in return. First he asks for his wife back. Jacob states that he cannot do this. (Dead is Dead?) 2nd he asks to be absolved of his sins so he doesn't go to hell. Jacob states that he cannot do this either (Does this prove he isn't a god?) 3rd, Ricardo then says he never wants to die, he wants to live forever. Jacob touches Richard's shoulder and says "Now, that I can do!"

Fonte: link

24.08.2017 / 07:12

Porque tudo é principalmente predeterminado e Jacob não está totalmente no comando!

"Só termina uma vez. Qualquer coisa que aconteça antes disso é apenas progresso." (Contanto que haja uma ilha com sua água leve exótica intacta, vida vai continuar se manifestando através de múltiplas linhas de tempo - a Ilha é uma máquina do tempo.)

O final do show, dividido com a revelação do Flash Sideways sendo um plano astral (morte) que transita entre os tempos de vida (vida, morte e renascimento), dá uma certeza maior à idéia de que esta (história) Sempre foi sobre progresso espiritual como grupos de pessoas (conjuntos de variáveis) estão passando por toda a vida lidando com a ilha como um meio para fazê-lo. (É por isso que Ben escolhe não "seguir em frente" porque ele não acredita que ele merece o vislumbre do 2004 da próxima linha de tempo que o FS começou a mostrar a ele).

Embora Jacob saiba mais e tenha um papel um pouco diferente dos outros personagens, ele ainda é um subproduto do axoim do Universo (The Island) trabalhando para levar as pessoas adiante - Jacob não está imune a isso. .

É claro que algumas das ações questionáveis de Jacob (ciúme inspirado, aceita certos destinos dos outros como um meio para acabar) não é uma pessoa perfeita ou é necessariamente o melhor líder (afinal ele está procurando por um sucessor e argumentativamente Hugo faria ser um melhor protetor do que ele era).

Ele também está sendo potencialmente manipulado pela Ilha, incluindo suas relações com a mãe do fumo, que coloca "chapéus-pretos" para "motivar adequadamente" (filosofia de John Locke) todos, incluindo Jacob.

Ponto mitológico a considerar:

Para apoiar esta ideia, também é preciso considerar O Farol , que pode ter mostrado a Jacó quem são os Candidatos, ao contrário de Jacob ter qualquer controle sobre quem e o que a Light House lhe mostrou, considerando que existia na história da linha do tempo principal do programa ANTES do tempo de Jacob. Então Jacob poderia criar sua lista com base na metafísica do Farol.

The Lighthouse is an ancient stone tower of unknown origin on the Island. Despite its great age, it appeared to be in excellent condition and in good working order. The uppermost level of the tower contained a large firepit surrounded a movable array of mirrors designed to reflect the light out to sea. The orientation of the mirrors is controlled by a system of gears and pulleys. Strangely, the mirrors are capable of reflecting locations off-Island in the outside world. The lighthouse is one of two known locations where a list of Jacob's candidates may be found.

The origin, history, and original purpose of the lighthouse are all unknown. From the hieroglyphics seen in the signal room, however, it seems highly likely that the tower dates from the same time period as the Temple, tunnels, and the statue of Taweret and was built by an early civilization on the Island. As the Island cannot be seen from the outside world, it seems unlikely that the lighthouse was needed to bring ships to the Island or warn them away. It is not known if anybody prior to Oceanic Flight 815 besides Jacob and its builders ever knew of the tower's existence.

It appears at some point the lighthouse fell into the custody of Jacob, who used the mysterious properties of the signal mirror as a means of remotely observing his candidates in the outside world. Jack believes that Jacob was doing this secretly for years prior to their arrival on the Island. ("Lighthouse") It is not known whether the Others knew of or had access to the lighthouse. http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lighthouse

23.11.2017 / 20:49