Quem adicionou as proteções extras ao Callandor?


No final de Towers of Midnight , sabemos quem adicionou as proteções extras a Callandor que estavam presentes quando Jahar Narishma as coletou para Rand em The Path of Daggers ?

(A recuperação aconteceu fora da tela, entre os capítulos 14 e 21)

O diálogo entre Rand e Jahar é (escrito do ponto de vista de Rand):

Rand snatched the bundle before Narishma could proffer it. “Did anyone see you?” he demanded. “What took you so long? I expected you last night!”

“It took a while to figure out what I had to do,” Narishma replied in a flat voice. “You didn’t tell me everything. You nearly killed me.

That was ridiculous. Rand had told him everything he needed to know. He was sure of it. There was no point to trusting the man as far as he had, only to have him die and ruin everything. Carefully he tucked the bundle beneath his cot. His hands trembled with the urge to strip the wrappings away, to make sure they held what Narishma had been sent for. The man would not have dared return if they did not. “Get yourself into a proper coat before you join the others,” he said. “And Narishma... ” Rand straightened, fixing the other man with a steady gaze. “You tell anyone about this, and I will kill you.”

O Caminho das Adagas, Capítulo 21 - "Respondendo a Invocação"

por NikolaiDante 29.11.2012 / 18:04

1 resposta

A partir deste momento, acredito que não há resposta. A pergunta foi feita a Brandon Sanderson e ele nem o RAFO o fez nem respondeu.

Verifique esta entrevista para detalhes. Parece que esta é uma teoria válida, mas nenhuma pista até agora sobre qual é a resposta, se houver.

04.12.2012 / 08:15