Eu li algumas entrevistas onde ela diz que colocou um grilo na boca, mas não comeu. A única fonte que parece dizer que fez é Pessoas. com :
Suddenly, Anderson notices a maggot crawling toward the stuntman's eye and calmly plucks it off. "Nobody else jumped to it," she explains. Bugwise, Anderson is something of a pro: In a past episode, she ate a live cricket. "They spent thousands of dollars making a fake one," she says. "But I'd seen this guy named Enigma who was in the show eat 200 right in front of us, so it seemed silly not to try one."
Palavra-chave sendo try .
Mais revelador é do Reddit AMA da Gillian :
Did you really eat the cricket in that circus episode of X-Files, or was it just a magic trick?
It was a magic trick called spitting when cut.
Não, ela não comeu o grilo, apenas colocou na boca e fingiu para comê-lo.