Da memória alfa:
To explain how the Ocampan population could be maintained despite each female only giving birth once, the Star Trek: Myriad Universes novella "Places of Exile" (in Infinity's Prism) suggests that twin and triplet births are common among Ocampa. In the acknowledgments, author Christopher L. Bennett credits Bernd Schneider's Ex Astris Scientia website for the idea
Site da Ex-astris Scientia:
Female Ocampa may give birth to just one child in her life during her elogium or to none at all. If we assume that 50% of all new-born Ocampa are female, this would halve the population or reduce it even more with every generation. They would become extinct rapidly
Como sabemos de antes, aqui vêm os bits interessantes:
A reason for the built-in reduction of the Ocampa species may lie in the ecological disaster that the Nacene had caused on their planet and that may have forced the Caretaker to keep the population in the underground city low.
Então, o autor do site suspeita da mesma coisa que o @KyleJones:
The Caretaker may have made unknown provisions or may clone more Ocampa when they are needed.
A more plausible explanation is that there could be a considerable natural surplus of women on Ocampa. With more than two thirds of all inhabitants being female and polygamy being culturally endorsed, the population could be maintained. But there is no hint for such a surplus of women, much less for polygamy. On the contrary, from Kes' accounts it seems much like the small families of three people usually stay together for what little time they have left together. Finally, unlike it was with Kes herself and her alternate-reality daughter in VOY: "Before and After", maybe multiples are very common on Ocampa. With twin births being the average, the population could be maintained, although once again there is no evidence to support the theory.
É perfeitamente possível que Kes tenha sido diferente em seu nascimento esperado, devido às diferenças fisiológicas ou às circunstâncias. Pode também explicar o falso elogium o que seria um desperdício se ela não estivesse na 'situação' certa para sustentar dois ou três filhos.