O que aconteceu com Paolo e os Transmutadores no final da Diáspora?


Diáspora de Greg Egan. No final do livro, depois que Paolo e Yatima viajaram para cima 267.904.176.383.054 níveis de universos, onde não havia mais gateways para passar por outro nível:

Paolo’s gestalt seemed to hover between comic agony over the failure of their search, and sheer exaltation at its completion.

Onde estavam os transmutadores? P & Você consegue sua busca ou não? Se os Transmutadores não estavam lá, o que significa dizer:

Paolo closed his eyes, and followed the Transmuters.

por Eric 10.02.2016 / 15:43

1 resposta

Os Transmutadores haviam ido embora - eles haviam explorado, experimentado e analisado o multiverso para sua completa satisfação e depois se permitido morrer:

"What now? Where do we look for them?"

[...] He said, "We look right in front of us."

"There's nothing in front of us."

"Not now. Because it's over. We've seen it all."

"I don't understand."

[...] "The artifacts were polises. [...]

"Then why did they stop?"

"Because there was nothing more to do." [...] "They'd seen everything they wanted to see in the outside world

E Paolo faz o mesmo - ele basicamente comete suicídio, exceto que ele o vê como conclusão porque ele fez tudo o que ele queria fazer:

"It won't be death." Paolo seemed calm now, perfectly resolved. "The Transmuters didn't die; they played out every possibility within themselves. And I believe I've done the same, back in U-double-star… or maybe I'm still doing it, somewhere. But I've found what I came to find, here. There's nothing more for me. That's not death. It's completion."

Basicamente, é uma versão transumanista ( fonte ):

10.02.2016 / 17:27