Parece que os animais não falantes não têm alma nem vida após a morte.
Da A última batalha , capítulo 14, "A noite cai em Nárnia" (ênfase minha):
The creatures came rushing on, their eyes brighter and brighter as they drew nearer and nearer to the standing Stars. But as they came right up to Aslan one or other of two things happened to each of them. They all looked straight in his face, I don't think they had any choice about that. And when some looked, the expression of their faces changed terribly - it was fear and hatred: except that, on the faces of Talking Beasts, the fear and hatred lasted only for a fraction of a second. You could see that they suddenly ceased to be Talking Beasts. They were just ordinary animals. And all the creatures who looked at Aslan in that way swerved to their right, his left, and disappeared into his huge black shadow, which (as you have heard) streamed away to the left of the doorway. The children never saw them again. I don't know what became of them. But the others looked in the face of Aslan and loved him, though some of them were very frightened at the same time. And all these came in at the Door, in on Aslan's right. There were some queer specimens among them. Eustace even recognized one of those very Dwarfs who had helped to shoot the Horses. But he had no time to wonder about that sort of thing (and anyway it was no business of his) for a great joy put everything else out of his head. Among the happy creatures who now came crowding round Tirian and his friends were all those whom they had thought dead. There was Roonwit the Centaur and Jewel the Unicorn and the good Boar and the good Bear, and Farsight the Eagle, and the dear Dogs and the Horses, and Poggin the Dwarf.
Este é o momento em que o mundo inteiro de Nárnia está sendo destruído, e suas criaturas estão vindo através da grande porta (que já foi meramente uma porta estável, e agora se tornou o portal entre a vida e a vida após a morte). Aqueles que morreram agora aparecem no "país de Aslan", significando que para os outros também é o fim de sua vida mortal.
Mas para cada uma dessas criaturas, existem dois resultados possíveis, dependendo se eles amam Aslam (Deus) ou o odeiam. Aqueles que o amam entram na vida após a morte com o resto, enquanto aqueles que o olham com "medo e ódio" são condenados às trevas. A melhor opção possível para eles seria que eles entram em uma vida após a morte, apenas um diferente - mas no contexto, isso não parece provável. A imagem também faz parecer que eles estão desaparecendo em um grande buraco negro, algo parecido com o inferno.
Este, então, é o destino das bestas falantes que não são "dignas" e deixam de ser feras falantes. Parece provável que aqueles que sempre foram "apenas animais comuns" sofrem o mesmo destino: sem almas imortais, eles descem ao nada escuro quando o mundo deles chega ao fim.