História curta em um blog que tira sarro da armadura da trama


Uma vez eu li uma curta história em SF / F no blog de um membro do Stack Exchange, que gostaria de encontrar novamente. (Se você é a pessoa com esse blog, por favor, responda a esta pergunta!)

It was basically a big joke about plot armour (warning: TVTropes link). There are several characters involved in a battle, bravely holding their own against vast numbers of enemy soldiers. It looks like they're going to be overwhelmed and slaughtered, but eventually one of them figures out (by examining the language used - their speech is always described by longer verbs than just "say") that they are the main characters in a badly-written short story. She deduces that they cannot possibly be killed, because of plot armour.

Then, their foes overwhelm them and cut their throats one by one.

Definitivamente era ficção científica ou fantasia e provavelmente fantasia. Eu acho que os personagens estavam usando magia para se proteger dos soldados inimigos, mas é possível que eles estivessem realmente usando algum tipo de escudo de plasma científico. Toda a batalha pode ter ocorrido no espaço exterior, ou pelo menos no ar, mas não tenho certeza sobre essa parte. Eu não consegui rastreá-lo por Googling - alguém pode encontrar essa história?

por Rand al'Thor 02.11.2015 / 01:28

1 resposta

Eu encontrei! A história é esta , intitulada simplesmente Plot Armor , por Patrick Stevens . Aqui está o começo e o fim da história:

Jim, third-in-command of the Watchers, ducked behind the Warlord’s force-field, desperately trying to catch his breath in the face of an inexorable onslaught. His attackers, the hundred-strong members of the Hourglass Collective, had never been defeated in pitched battle. As testament to their ability, two thousand of the finest troops the Watchers had to offer stood motionless around him, suspended in time; even now, even with five of the most experienced Watchers still fighting, the Hourglass forces were calmly and efficiently slitting the throats of the frozen soldiers. Skilled in cultivating terror, they were working in from afar, and it looked to Jim as though he would have to endure another half-hour of helplessness before they got to him at last. Jim and the Warlord had only survived this far by virtue of an accidental and uncontrollable burst of power from the Founder of the Watchers, released at a fortuitous moment to counter the time-suspension channelled by the Hourglass. That had given the Warlord time to protect five people, before the Founder had collapsed.


“OK. This will be a shock to you both, Warlord, Jim, but we’re in a story. We’re fictional. This situation we’re in makes no sense at all. We had no backstory until I explicitly requested it, and it took a little while to come to us. And no-one seems to be capable of just saying something! Every time, we’re ordering, or clarifying, or reeling things off, but never saying! We are fictional, and our author is not particularly competent to boot. That gives us a way out of our conveniently dramatic Dire Straits.

“Author! We’re three of the most powerful members of the Watchers, and we’ve been the entire focus of this short story. There are no other plausible protagonists. You must find a way for us to survive, or else the story ends and you will have wasted all this time on another creative endeavour that came to nothing!”

The Hourglass were approaching faster now, provoked by Christine’s loud outburst. Only thirty feet away, then twenty, then ten.

The front runner drew a dagger, and slit Jim’s throat, then the Warlord’s, then Christine’s.

03.11.2015 / 01:31