Você pode transitar sem visto (TWOV) no lado de terra (ou seja, você tem permissão para sair do aeroporto). Os cidadãos das Filipinas podem TWOV.
A visa national who is going to the UK simply to travel on to another country may enter without a visa if these conditions are met:
- They arrive and depart by air
- Their onward flight is confirmed and departs within 24 hours
- They are properly documented for their destination and have a visa if they need one
Source: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/policyandlaw/carriers/ukvisarequirements.pdf
See also: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/transitthroughtheuk/visa-to-transit-landside/
É uma boa idéia, no entanto, ter alguns documentos de apoio (por exemplo, contrato de trabalho) disponíveis, estar razoavelmente bem vestido etc., porque o TWOV é uma concessão .
The concession is operated at the border where you arrive in the UK and is at the discretion of Border Force officers. You may not be permitted to benefit from this concession and may be refused entry to the UK.