Trabalhadores em Utopia foram levados a executar tarefas vitais por máquinas


Tendo visto o curta-metragem de animação "The Last Job On Earth", lembrei-me de que havia um conto com uma ideia semelhante. As pessoas vivem em uma Utopia de facilidade e conforto, mas continuam sendo coagidas e / ou induzidas a executar pequenas tarefas estranhas, como mover um objeto ou ativar um interruptor, que parece sem sentido e trivial. No entanto, a partir da percepção do leitor, essas tarefas são vitais, pois permitem que as máquinas continuem funcionando e suportem a sociedade utópica, já que não podem fazer reparos em si mesmas, no caso de desenvolver um ciclo de retroalimentação. Alguém se lembra do autor e da história, por favor?

por Covertwalrus 20.02.2016 / 03:07

1 resposta

"The Waker Dreams" por Richard Matheson , que você pode ler no Arquivo da Internet . Humanos futuros degenerados são levados a fazer trabalho útil enquanto pensam que estão sendo entretidos com aventuras de realidade virtual:

They would go out to the hydroponics tanks and fight off an invasion of Energy Eaters. Bigger than the Rustons and made of pure force, they threatened to suck the sustenance from the plants in the growing trays, the living, formless meat swelling immortally in the nutrient solution. The Energy Eaters would be beaten off, of course. They always were.

Naturally. They were only dreams. Creatures of fantastic illusion, conjured in eager dreaming minds by chemical magic and dreary scientific incantation.

But what would all these Justin Rackleys say, these handsome and hopeless ruins of torpid flesh, if they found out how they were being fooled? Found out that the Rustons were only mental fictions for objectifying simple rust and wear and converting them into fanciful monster. Monsters which alone could feebly arouse the dim instinct for self-preservation which just barely existed in this lost race. Energy Eaters—beetles and spores and exhausted growth solutions. Mine Borers—vaporous beasties that had to be blasted out of the Lunar and Martian metal deposits. And others, still others, all of them threats to that which runs and feeds and renews a city.

And what would they say, these Justin Rackleys, upon the discovery that each of them, in their "dreams," had done genuine manual work? That their ray guns were spray guns or grease guns or air hammers, their death rays no more than streams of lubrication for rusting machines or insecticides or liquid fertilizer?

What would they say if they found out how they were tricked into breeding with aphrodisiacs in the guise of anti-poison shots? How they, with no healthy interest in procreation, were drugged into the furtherance of their spineless strain, a strain whose only function was to sustain the life-giving machines.

20.02.2016 / 04:26