Quem entende Chewbacca?


Obviamente, Han entende Chewbacca (quase) perfeitamente. Na trilogia do prequel, Yoda parece entendê-lo também. Em pelo menos uma cena na trilogia original, C-3PO também entende Chewie, o que é lógico, uma vez que - como um droid de protocolo - a tradução é uma das principais funções do 3PO.

THREEPIO: Captain Solo, this time you have gone too far.

(Chewie growls)

THREEPIO: No, I will not be quiet, Chewbacca. Why doesn't anyone listen to me?

Alguém mais nos filmes de Star Wars entende Chewbacca?

por Wad Cheber 31.10.2015 / 15:07

3 respostas

Obi-Wan Kenobi fala e entende Shyriiwook.

Do script para Uma nova esperança :

Ben is standing next to Chewbacca, an eight-foot-tall savage-looking creature [...] He is a two-hundred-year-old Wookiee and a sight to behold.

Ben speaks to the Wookiee, pointing to Luke several times during his conversation and the huge creature suddenly lets out a horrifying laugh. Luke is more than a little bit disconcerted and pretends not to hear the conversation between Ben and the giant Wookiee.

Do romance :

All but old Ben - Ben, who was talking to the Wookiee in its own language, quarreling and hooting softly like a native.

Em The Force Awakens , Rey também entende.

Como mostrado em esta resposta de @ phantom42 em outro site , Rey tem pelo menos alguma compreensão sobre Shyriiwook. Citando a partir da novelização de The Force Awakens :

She tried to find something to say to that, something worthy of the sentiment and the risk they had undertaken. She failed miserably. Chewie, however, had something of his own to add. Whatever the Wookiee had uttered caused tears to well up in her eyes. Having never found himself in such a position before, Finn was unsure how to respond. Knowing well her inner toughness, he wondered what Chewbacca had said that could have inspired such a reaction.

“What’d he say?”

She sniffed and wiped at her face. “That it was your idea.”

Menos canonicamente, Sabine Wren também fala Shyriiwook (então presumivelmente entende isso também).

"...it's rough on my throat, I lost my voice for a day after bugging Zeb by serenading him in Shyriiwook."
-- Sabine Wren, Star Wars Rebels: Sabine, My Rebel Sketchbook

31.10.2015 / 15:20

Entenda Shyriiwook, Mestre Yoda

When he told them the problem, the Wookiees nodded and barked at each other so fast that it was difficult even for him to follow the conversation. Then they turned and offered him one of their escape pods. Yoda accepted at once. The only problem left was how to get past the clone troops to the pod.

Revenge of the Sith - Official Novelisation

Assim como Leia (embora não tão bem quanto seu perfil oficial sugere)

“According to her diplomatic profile, Princess Leia speaks both Huttese and Shyriiwook fluently. Regretfully, and as Your Majesty is keenly aware, the princess is merely proficient in Shyriiwook. This is, naturally, a failure of mine and not the princess, but I worry that such an error might cause her embarrassment. Oh, it is too, too humiliating.”

From a Certain Point of View - Eclipse

Filmes canônicos menores

Se também incluirmos o Especial de fim de ano em Star Wars , também poderemos adicionar

A esposa de Chewie, Malla , seu filho Lumpy e seu pai Itchy bem como comerciante humano Saun Dann , todos os quais demonstram capacidade de compreender o Chewbacca.

31.10.2015 / 15:53

Observação: eu não gosto de receber representante de auto-respostas, então esta é uma resposta do Wiki da comunidade.


Um dos outros personagens principais dos episódios V e VI, Lando Calrissian, fala Shyriiwook bem o suficiente para brigar com C-3PO durante uma tradução:

Chewie said something. Nobody spoke for a moment. Leia said, “Well, is somebody going to tell me what he said?”

Threepio got it out first: “Chewbacca says the woman made him very nervous.”

“He didn’t say ‘very,’” Lando said. “Just plain ‘nervous.’ ”

“Excuse me,” Threepio said. “I inferred the modifier from his tone. Wookieespeak allows for such shadings.”

“You saying my Wookieespeak is bad?” Lando said.
- Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Ao longo deste livro, Lando mostra sua proficiência em entender Shyriiwook regularmente.

10.02.2016 / 06:11