No último episódio da terceira temporada de O Homem no Alto Castelo somos informados de que as pessoas só podem viajar para uma realidade alternativa se
their alternate self had already died in the alternate reality.
Esta explicação é dada por que
only one out of the four test subjects survived the Nazi experiment to travel to alternate realities -- the survivor, just an "ordinary" girl, was apparently the only one whose alternate self had already died in the alternate reality.
Esta explicação parece fazer sentido como uma forma de evitar
the possibility of an individual meeting an alternate version of himself from another reality.
A explicação também está de acordo com o que sabemos sobre quase todos os outros personagens que viajam entre as realidades:
1. Trudy was killed in the reality in which the Axis won so her alternate self from "our" reality (in which the Allies won World War II) can travel to the Axis-conquered reality.
2. The alternate Trudy who traveled to the Axis-conquered reality tells us that Juliana was killed in her reality, so Juliana can travel from the Axis-conquered reality to that reality.
3. The dark-skinned woman Mengele was performing skin-pigmentation experiments on was killed an experiment gone wrong so her alternate self was able to travel to the Axis-controlled reality, where she too was captured and experimented on by Mengele.
3. Tagomi's assistant, Kotomichi, was injured in our reality by an atomic bomb and managed to travel to the Axis-controlled reality while meditating to endure the pain from his wounds. We don't see an alternate Kotomichi from the Axis-controlled reality so Kotomichi's case at least does not contradict the explanation that you can only travel to an alternate reality in which your alternate already died (presumably the original Kotomichi from the Axis-controlled reality was killed earlier, perhaps during World War II).
No entanto, o caso de Tagomi parece contradizer a explicação. Na 2 ª temporada vimos Tagomi visitar a nossa realidade, onde ele é visto e reconhecido por sua esposa e filho. Tagomi de nossa realidade é alienado de sua esposa e filho, mas a família de Tagomi
clearly think he's alive (they don't act like they've seen a ghost) so apparently Tagomi's alternate self is still alive in our reality and the Tagomi from the Axis-controlled reality shouldn't have been able to travel to our reality.
Já faz algum tempo desde que eu assisti a 2 ª temporada, então talvez eu tenha esquecido algo sobre Tagomi que não contradizia a explicação dada no final da terceira temporada. Eu encontrei um resumo de um dos episódios da segunda temporada em que Tagomi viajou para a nossa realidade , que confirmou o que eu lembrava, mas não menciona nada que explicasse como o caso de Tagomi não contradiz a restrição aos "viajantes".
Como Tagomi, da realidade controlada pelo Eixo, foi capaz de viajar para a nossa realidade? Houve uma indicação no show de que
Tagomi from our reality had died just before Tagomi from the Axis-controlled reality traveled to our reality, and Tagomi's family in our reality hadn't learned of his death yet?
Existe alguma outra explicação que não contradiz o que nos foi dito no final da 3ª temporada?