Título da história sobre Nanobots causando um apocalipse nuclear


Eu li um conto que fazia parte de uma série nos últimos três anos. Eu acho que foi publicado então. Lembro-me de ter gostado muito e queria ler mais, mas não me lembro do título nem achei nada parecido com ele on-line.

A base da história são nanobots inteligentes artificiais auto-replicantes que escapam de uma instalação de pesquisa e detonam um grande número de bombas nucleares em todo o mundo. A história segue alguns personagens, mas eu realmente me lembro de dois. Um deles é um funcionário do metrô de Nova York que estava no subsolo quando as bombas explodiram e é por isso que ele sobreviveu. A segunda é uma cientista do sexo feminino que fazia parte da equipe de pesquisa original. Ela também estava no subsolo no momento das bombas.

As únicas outras duas coisas que eu realmente lembro são os nanorrobôs infectarem alguns dos sobreviventes e transformá-los em berserkers mutantes, e os nanorrobôs não podem infectar ou ferir as pessoas que o criaram, porque os criadores programaram os nanobots para não prejudicar as pessoas. com seus marcadores genéticos.

Eu sei que isso é um pouco vago, mas qualquer ajuda seria muito apreciada!

por Jarred 19.11.2015 / 00:30

2 respostas

Acho que você está falando da série Daybreak de John Barnes, que eu li em 2016:

Directiva 51

In the near future, a variety of groups with diverse aims, but an overlapping desire to end modern technological society (the "Big System"), create a nanotech plague ("Daybreak") which both destroys petroleum-based fuels, rubber and plastics and eats away any metal conductors carrying electricity. An open question in the book is whether these groups, and their shared motivations, are coordinated by some conscious actor, or whether they are an emergent property / meme that attained a critical mass.


Just as society in the U.S. seems to start stabilizing, preemplaced pure fusion weapons detonate, destroying Washington, D.C. and Chicago.

This is followed by additional pure fusion weapon strikes, which are determined to be weapons that are being created on the Moon by nanotech replicators.

Daybreak Zero

In the near future, a variety of groups with diverse aims, but an overlapping desire to end modern technological society (the "Big System") create a nanotech plague ("Daybreak") which both destroys rubber and plastics and eats away any metal conductors carrying electricity. An open question in the book is whether these groups, and their shared motivation, are coordinated by some conscious actor, or whether they are an emergent property / meme that attained a critical mass.

O Último Presidente

For more than a year, Heather O’Grainne and her small band of heroes, operating out of Pueblo, Colorado, have struggled to pull the United States back together after it shattered under the impact of the event known as Daybreak. Now they are poised to bring the three or four biggest remaining pieces together, with a real President and Congress, under the full Constitution again. Heather is very close to fulfilling her oath, creating a safe haven for civilization to be reborn.

But other forces are rising too.

Some people like the new life better...

In a devastated, splintered, postapocalyptic United States, with technology thrown back to biplanes, black powder, and steam trains, a tiny band of visionaries struggles to re-create Constitutional government and civilization itself, as a new dark age takes shape around them.

Nesta série, vários problemas são liberados - enxames de nanorrobôs, biotecnologia que dissolve plástico e borracha, bombas nucleares e EMPs - para destruir a civilização.

23.01.2017 / 18:49

O livro começa nos picos das montanhas porque é o único lugar para evitar os nanorrobôs e é chamado Plague Ano .

The nanotechnology was designed to fight cancer. Instead, it evolved into the Machine Plague, killing nearly five billion people and changing life on Earth forever.

The nanotech has one weakness: it self-destructs at altitudes above ten thousand feet. Those few who've managed to escape the plague struggle to stay alive on the highest mountains, but time is running out-there is famine and war, and the environment is crashing worldwide. Humanity's last hope lies with a top nanotech researcher aboard the International Space Station-and with a small group of survivors in California who risk a daring journey below the death line...

23.11.2015 / 22:41