Trabalhando com um visto de visitante padrão
You can’t:
- do paid or unpaid work
- live in the UK for long periods of time through frequent visits
- get public funds
- marry or register a civil partnership, or give notice of marriage or civil partnership
Trabalhando no Reino Unido
Para trabalhar no Reino Unido, você deverá solicitar o Visto de Trabalho apropriado . Há algumas exceções para os cidadãos dos EUA que entram no Reino Unido por menos de 6 meses com o propósito de trabalhar , desde que:
You don’t need a visa if you’re coming to the UK for activities allowed under the following visas:
- a Standard Visitor visa - eg if you’re coming to the UK for conferences, meetings, training, academic research or a sabbatical
- a ‘permitted paid engagement’ (you must have been invited to the UK because of your expertise) - you can only stay for up to 1 month
However, you should bring supporting documents to show at the border.