No Ready Player One, a corrida continuou a ser realizada indefinidamente?


No filme, há uma corrida entre jogadores tentando completar uma determinada missão.

After the entire leaderboard was filled with players who had collected the first key (and beyond), did the race continue to be held so that additional players could continue (or killed avatars could start again)?

por Quasi_Stomach 02.04.2018 / 20:16

2 respostas


No livro, diz:

Once the remaining empty slots were filled, the Scoreboard began to grow in length, to display rankings beyond tenth place. Before long, twenty avatars were listed on the Scoreboard. Then thirty. Over the next twenty-four hours, over sixty Sixer avatars cleared the First Gate.
Ready Player One - 0016

Isto não é elaborado no filme, no entanto, você pode ver mais de 10 sixers tentando completar a terceira missão. Então, logicamente, teria que haver mais de dez corridas "ganhas" para eles ganharem a Cooper Key. Assim, indicando a corrida continuou ocorrendo.

03.04.2018 / 01:04

Eu suspeito que o quadro de líderes do filme foi simplesmente o top ten. Eu espero que haja outro lugar que você possa procurar para ver o ranking de todos.

This is reinforced by the fact that IOI had hundreds of people who were able to attempt to fetch the third key. Thus, they must have each acquired the first two keys, including running and winning the race.

02.04.2018 / 23:08