Por que o filme é intitulado "Skyfall"?


Por que o vigésimo terceiro filme de James Bond é intitulado Skyfall ?

Eu assisti ao filme, mas não consegui encontrá-lo caindo de um avião ou algo assim ...

por Neolardo Va Dinci 01.12.2013 / 14:10

2 respostas

Em uma entrevista , Purvis e Wade, autores do filme, afirmam título "caiu do céu":

Neal Purvis: “Unfortunately Rob came up with the title. Not as a title, he came up with the name of the house.”

Robert Wade: “We were looking for a name for this house…”

Purvis: “Like Manderley in (Daphne du Maurier’s) Rebecca.”

Wade: “Exactly. It’s evocative, and you don’t really know what it means. And it was two o’clock in the morning, and the script had to go off, and I typed ‘Skyfall’. So it sort of fell out of the sky, actually. And I never thought that that would end up as the title of the movie. But it obviously struck a chord. But if we’d thought the name of the house would be the name of the film, and the name of the song…”

Purvis: “We’d have talked about it a little bit longer.”

Wade: “And maybe have done a three-syllable house name. Like Manderley – that’s pretty good, actually.”

Purvis: “Yeah. It’s the first two syllable Bond title, actually. Some people find that interesting (laughs).”

Ian Fleming, criador do personagem de James Bond, nunca nomeou o lar ancestral de Bond, mas em You Only Live Twice , ele escreveu que os pais de Bond morreram em um mountain climbing accident , o que é interessante, eles caíram do céu.

01.12.2013 / 16:31

Skyfall Lodge costumava ser a casa de James Bond:

... the Bond family resided at Skyfall Lodge, though James Bond had not visited his ancestral home since his parents' death. Its only resident ever since has been gamekeeper Kincade.

After they died, Bond's parents were buried in the chapel on the grounds.

01.12.2013 / 14:26