Como Riddick conseguiu Eyeshine?


Não consigo encontrar em qualquer lugar que o Riddick receba o Eyeshine. Não pode ser um traço de espécie de seres de Furia como o purificador nos necromongers não tem isto.

Como o Riddick consegue Eyeshine?

por KyloRen 03.05.2016 / 12:52

2 respostas

Parece que nem todas as fontes são consistentes. De qualquer forma, a Wikipedia responde de forma um tanto completa, e você pode julgar quais mídias você quer aceitar como verdadeiras cânon:

According to Riddick, while in Butcher Bay he received eye surgery, or a "surgical shine job", as he calls it, from a doctor that gave him permanent night vision in exchange for "20 menthol KOOLs". This surgery made his eyes more sensitive to light, requiring him to wear welding goggles to protect them from bright light, particularly when out in the open, although he has been shown operating without the goggles when inside a regularly illuminated room.

In the flash movie on the website, Riddick gets the eyeshine to avoid disadvantage following an encounter with humanoids called "shiners" (who refer to Riddick as darkeye) who already have the same operation to see in the dark bowels of the Ursa Luna prison where the guards do not tend to go. The eyeshine surgical procedure seems to be performed by a bovine veterinarian on board a prison facility at which Riddick arrived only a few hours before and from which he is already in the process of escaping. Riddick elects to have no anesthetic despite the procedure involving cutting the cornea and drilling through the eye to inject a reflective substance behind the retina. The cost quoted to Riddick is 1000 creds. Having no cash, Riddick offers down payment of a pack of Kool cigarettes which he earlier took from a guard. He also takes welders goggles from the facility.

The video game, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (which serves as a prequel to Pitch Black), clarifies that Riddick's eyeshine is more than just something he picked up in a prison. After helping a character called "Pope Joe" retrieve his "blessed voice box", a radio that picks up religious programming (including a Necromonger Talk Show), Riddick goes into a den to get stitches for an injury. After he is finished receiving stitches, Joe tells him how to escape, and, perhaps coincidentally, warns Riddick not to "trust [his] eyes"; at that moment, a ghostly voice informs Riddick that he has "been blind for far too long..." and that he is to receive a gift. It is at this moment that Riddick receives his eyeshine. The mysterious voice belongs to a character named "Shirah", who appears to serve as a sort of spiritual guide to Riddick, helping him awaken the Furyan abilities that lie dormant within him. In the Chronicles of Riddick film, Jack/Kyra angrily tells Riddick that when she was sent to prison, she found out that it is impossible to find anyone who can perform a "surgical shine job" at any price, and accuses him of lying about how he received his night vision.

Fonte: Seção do artigo da Wikipédia de Riddick especificamente sobre seus olhos.

03.05.2016 / 14:19

Riddick é um furyian Alpha e, como tal, herdou os traços primitivos de sua ancestralidade. Os olhos são um efeito colateral de um traço laitente que não despertou até que sua maturidade chegou a um certo ponto. Não há médico que possa realizar essa cirurgia, já que até Jack foi procurar e não encontrou ninguém.

26.12.2018 / 14:35