Isso é muito longo para postar em um comentário, não a resposta à sua pergunta, mas necessário para o Azerbaijão e a Armênia. Não há relações diplomáticas entre a Armênia e o Azerbaijão, em grande parte devido ao atual conflito de Nagorno-Karabakh.
Em Departamento de Estado dos EUA Seção de requisitos de entrada, saída e visto.
- Law enforcement officials have at times detained individuals from Armenia or with Armenian surnames for questioning or denied them entry
into the country.
- Please be aware that traveling to the region of Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding territories via Armenia could make you ineligible
to travel to Azerbaijan in the future.
de Wikitravel Entre na seção.
- Entry will be refused to citizens of Armenia, citizens of Armenian ancestry, and anyone carrying products made in Armenia or with
Armenian labelling. You may also be refused entry depending on how
many trips you have made to Armenia in the past so do stay alert.
- Anybody showing proof of entry to Nagorno-Karabakh without prior consent from the Azerbaijani government will either be deported or
arrested by the immigration authorities and will then be permanently
banned from entering the country. Should anybody enter the separatist
territory by accident, it is strongly recommended that they clear the
situation with their local Azerbaijani consultate since the local
justice system will do absolutely nothing to support your case.
- Any foreign national having a visa to visit Armenia may expect to be hassled/harassed by border patrol.