Os antigos papéis de ator de Peter Capaldi no universo Doctor Who já foram abordados?


Semelhante a esta questão postada em agosto de 2014:

Já houve algum ator que tenha interpretado o Doctor, mas já foi destaque na série como outro personagem?

Tem o fato de que Peter Capaldi já atuou no universo Doctor Who (como Lobus Caecilius em Os fogos de Pompeia , e John Frobisher na temporada de Children of Earth de Torchwood) ainda foi abordada / explicada dentro ou fora do universo?

por Kwola-T 18.10.2014 / 15:28

2 respostas

Ainda não, mas eles serão.

De acordo com uma entrevista com Nerd3 , showrunner Steven Moffat diz que a escolha do rosto do Doctor é algo que será abordado no universo.

I remember Russell [T Davies] told me that he had a big old plan as to why there were two Peter Capaldi’s in the Who universe: one in Pompeii and one in Torchwood. When I cast Peter and Russell got in touch to say how pleased he was, I said, ‘Okay, what was your theory and does it still work?” and he said, ‘Yes it does. Here it is…’

We’ll play that one out over time. It’s actually quite neat.

Já houve uma referência lateral em " Respiração Profunda " como o Doutor pensa em voz alta:

DOCTOR: ... Er, have you seen this face before?
DOCTOR: Are you sure?
BARNEY: Sir, I have never seen that face.
DOCTOR: It's funny, because I'm sure that I have. You know, I never know where the faces come from. They just pop up. Zap. Faces like this one.
DOCTOR: Why this one? Why did I choose this face? It's like I'm trying to tell myself something. Like I'm trying to make a point. But what is so important that I can't just tell myself what I'm thinking?

18.10.2014 / 16:37

A partir da Série 9, sim.

No final da série 9, episódio 5, The Girl Who Died , depois de Ashildr


o Doutor argumenta consigo mesmo e fala para salvá-la:

DOCTOR: I can do ... anything. There's nothing I can't do. Nothing. But I'm not supposed to. Ripples, tidal waves, rules ... I'm not supposed to.
Oh. Oh!
CLARA: What? What's wrong?
DOCTOR: My face. Who frowned me this face? Why this one? Why did I choose this face?
CLARA: Doctor, what's wrong with your face?
DOCTOR: I think I know why I chose it. It's like I'm trying to tell myself something. I think I know what I'm trying to say. Just someone. Not the whole town.
DONNA [memory]: Just save someone.
TENTH DOCTOR [memory]: Come with me.
DOCTOR: I know where I got this face, and I know what it's for.
CLARA: OK, what's it for?
DOCTOR: To remind me. To hold me to the mark. I'm the Doctor, and I save people.

O Doutor conseguiu seu novo rosto (Peter Capaldi) para lembrá-lo dos eventos do episódio 2 da série 4, Os Fogos de Pompeia , no qual Capaldi aparece como o patriarca de uma família salva pelo Doutor (então interpretado por David Tennant) em vez de salvar toda a cidade.

17.10.2015 / 23:57