Como o Iron Man conseguiu retornar no final do filme dos Vingadores?


No final do filme,

Iron Man grabs and steers the nuclear missile through the open portal. At the time just before the suit malfunctions due to atmosphere/cold, his thrusters are firing him towards the Chitauri ship.


Objects in space continue moving in the same direction unless new force is applied. Wouldn't he have just kept traveling towards the Chitauri ship, or does Earth's gravity somehow exert itself through the portal?

por phantom42 07.05.2012 / 18:30

1 resposta

A dinâmica do Tesseract / cubo cósmico não é facilmente definida, mas parece alterar o espaço-tempo o suficiente para conectar dois pontos de maneira semelhante a um buraco de minhoca.

Evidence suggests the gravitational effects of Earth can be felt through the portal. Since the portal was a disruption in space time, it may have had its own gravity well in addition to Earth's gravity. Stark fell at a rate consistent with (or perhaps) even faster than normal gravity.

07.05.2012 / 18:39