Oldcat escreveu:
The filmmakers do have a point that Faramir does make a quick decision to forget the Ring that might be hard to put over in a movie. On the other hand, they could have had a tense psychological scene in the cave with his men and flashbacks to his father and Boromir to do it..
Eu não estou satisfeito com nenhuma das duas respostas até agora, porque elas não fazem referência a exatamente isso - um flashback psicológico tenso de 5 minutos envolvendo Faramir e seu irmão Boromir.
Como inúmeras pessoas que estavam insatisfeitas com as mudanças no personagem de Faramir apontaram ao longo dos anos que essa cena cortada ( da Extended Edition ) é essencial para entender o caráter e as motivações do filme-Faramir; é a cena nº 1 que deveria ter sido deixada no TTT.
A frase chave explicando a motivação de Faramir aqui (do livro) é quando Faramir é aparentemente tentado pelo Anel na caverna, onde ele diz
"here in the wild I have you.. a chance for Faramir, captain of Gondor, to show his quality."
No livro esta é uma declaração irônica , enquanto ele rapidamente desconta o Anel, afirmando que ele não pegaria o Anel se ele o encontrasse na estrada, o que sempre me incomodava sobre Faramir em o livro . (parece irrealista - considere, para começar, se seria melhor deixá-lo na estrada para encontrar algum Orc?) Faramir no livro é muito mais uma Mary Sue, com algumas evidências de que ele é um autor stand-in das sortes.
PJ (talvez desajeitadamente) queria ser mais realista com o personagem de Faramir, enquanto também destacava os "maus-tratos" de Gollum como um grande ponto de virada para o personagem de Gollum (seu arrependimento nas Escadas sendo tristemente deixado de fora do terceiro filme, que é uma omissão gritante). É muito menos desajeitado com a cena e muito mais psicologicamente motivada.
No filme, "mostrar sua qualidade" é uma referência explícita à cena excluída, o que explica as motivações de Boromir, Faramir e Denethor. 1 Veja um trecho da cena na íntegra. Eu confio que elimina muitas coisas sobre estes três personagens no filme:
Duas Torres Edição Estendida Scene 41. "Sons of the Steward"
Faramir sees a vision of himself standing by a river bank as the body of Boromir floats past in the elvish boat. He looks shocked and grieved.
FARAMIR: His horn washed up upon the riverbank, about six days past. It was cloven in two. But more than this, I know it in my heart. (pauses) He was my brother.
INT. Henneth Annûn. Scene 41.
Faramir sits alone holding Boromir's cloven horn. He sees a flashback to when Osgiliath was retaken. Boromir stands up high on a battlement, and raises the banner of the Stewards of Gondor. The soliders cheer.
SOLDIERS: Boromir! Boromir!
Boromir puts the flag down and unsheathes his sword.
BOROMIR: This city was once the jewel of our kingdom. A place of light and beauty and music. And so it shall be once more! (he raises his sword and the crowds cheer) Let the armies of Mordor know this: Never again will the land of my people fall into enemy hands. (more cheers) This city of Osgiliath has been reclaimed... (he raises his sword again) for Gondor!
CROWD: For Gondor!
The crowd cheers again. Faramir appears and walks joyfully to Boromir. They hug, laughing
FARAMIR: Good speech. Nice and short.
BOROMIR: Leaves more time for drinking! (they laugh) Break out the ale! These men are thirsty!
The crowd cheers and Boromir brings two goblets of ale, giving one to Faramir.
BOROMIR: Remember today, little brother. Today, life is good.
They toast and take a drink. Faramir glances warily sideways --
BOROMIR: (laughing) What? FARAMIR: -- He's here.
BOROMIR: (seeing Denethor talking to the soldiers behind them) One moment of peace! can he not give us that?
DENETHOR: Where is he? Where is Gondor's finest? Where's my first-born?
BOROMIR: (looks jaded and turns to face his father) Father!
DENETHOR: They say you vanquished the enemy almost single-handedly.
BOROMIR: They exaggerate. The victory belongs to Faramir also.
He looks towards Faramir who walks towards them
DENETHOR: But for Faramir, this city would still be standing.
Faramir looks uneasy
DENETHOR: Were you not entrusted to protect it?
FARAMIR: I would have done, but our numbers were too few.
DENETHOR: Oh, too few. You let the enemy walk in and take it on a whim. Always you cast a poor reflection on me. (he walks up to Faramir. Boromir drops his head)
FARAMIR: That is not my intent.
BOROMIR: You give him no credit, and yet he tries to do your will.
Boromir walks away and Denethor follows him. BOROMIR: He loves you, Father.
DENETHOR: Do not trouble me with Faramir......I know his uses, and they are few. We have more urgent things to speak of. Elrond of Rivendell has called a meeting. He will not say why, but I have guessed its purpose. It is rumored that the weapon of the enemy has been found!
BOROMIR: (looks worried) The One Ring. lsildur's Bane.
DENETHOR: (whispers) lt has fallen into the hands of the Elves. Everyone will try to claim it: Men, Dwarves, wizards..! We cannot let that happen! This thing must come to Gondor.
BOROMIR: (shakes his head) Gondor.
DENETHOR: (he clutches Boromir's arm) It's dangerous, I know. Ever the Ring will seek to corrupt the hearts of lesser Men. But you, you are strong! And our need is great. It is our blood which is being spilled, our people who are dying. Sauron is biding his time. He's massing fresh armies. He will return. And when he does, we will be powerless to stop him! You must go. (Boromir looks taken aback) Bring me back this mighty gift!
BOROMIR: (shakes his head) No. My place is here with my people! (he walks away) Not in Rivendell.
DENETHOR: Would you deny your own father?
Faramir appears.
FARAMIR: If there is need to go to Rivendell......send me in his stead.
DENETHOR: You? Oh, I see. A chance for Faramir, captain of Gondor, to show his quality. [beat] I think not. (Faramir lowers his eyes, deeply hurt) I trust this mission only to your brother. The one who will not fail me.
Boromir is on his horse. He looks up at the Gondor banner, sadly, and then at his brother.
BOROMIR: Remember today, little brother. (He rides out of Osgiliath for Rivendell)
[Esta é a última vez que o vemos na série, e a última vez que Faramir o vê vivo.]
Aqui estão as fotos da cena no contexto .
1 Note que no filme-verso, Elrond convoca explicitamente um dos filhos de Denethor para o conselho (não apenas através de um sonho) e Denethor já suspeita que o Anel foi encontrado. Ele já instruiu seu filho mais velho a trazê-lo de volta a Gondor, e não considera Faramir, o "pupilo do mago", à altura da tarefa.
As motivações de Faramir no filme são sobre a dinâmica familiar .