História curta sobre uma casa senciente que sonha


Estou tentando lembrar o nome e o autor de uma história chamada algo como "Os sonhos das casas".

Trata-se de um solteiro e como a inteligência artificial de sua casa inteligente manipula seu relacionamento, já que isso determina que a namorada dele não é boa para ele.

Ocorre em um mundo com impressão de matéria, construindo quaisquer bens desejados dos átomos. Ele quer um carro azul naquele dia, mas ele está fora de cobalto; elementos são entregues a partir de um serviço. Todos os utensílios domésticos e decoração e furnature são feitos e refeitos sob demanda.

Ele pode ganhar dinheiro projetando planos para (por exemplo) veículos.

As pessoas deixam mensagens em telefones que ficam em casa, o que provavelmente data!

por JDługosz 21.11.2016 / 21:57

1 resposta

Isso parece ser "O Sonho das Casas" , de Wil McCarthy.

Elementos específicos (sem trocadilhos), como o cobalto, parecem combinar com a sua memória:

I am about to fax up my usual army of cleaning devices, when I realize that Chuck has driven away with most of my iron and titanium, and a good share of the staple elements as well, carbon and nitrogen and hydrogen and oxygen bound up in the plush, organic polymers of the automobile interior. I am not used to faxing anything so big, I really don’t have the resources for it.

I put a call in to the Elementals, request standard shipments of all the elements I’ve run low on, and a double on the cobalt. Where does cobalt go? I am always coming up short in the evenings when I digest the day’s used faxware. Does Chuck leave a cobalt trail behind him in his daily wanderings? Chromium is almost as bad. I order some of that as well.

E projetos de vendas para veículos:

Lucy smiles and shakes her head. “Self-employed, my darling. Like most of the rest of the world. You could work on your aircraft designs, like you’re always talking about. There’s always good money in vehicle specs.”

“Yeah,” he says. “I guess there is. I guess that could work. Maybe.” He crashes, suddenly looking miserable again. “I don’t know. What about—”

No entanto, a história parece não ter a casa tentando remover a namorada, embora tente fazer algumas manipulações sutis:

People often like to open doors for themselves, to prove in a small way that they are not helpless, that they do not actually need machines to take care of them. In this instance, though, the protocol is iffy; I sense that whoever holds the doorknob will hold power in this conversation—power to slam, to silence, to hurt. Certainly, I cannot give that kind of control to Lucy at the expense of my owner, but Chuck is not himself tonight, and it seems unwise to put the power in his hands, either. As Chuck is reaching for the knob I open the door myself, and suddenly he and Lucy are face-to-face.


“Us?” He looks surprised, and pleased in a fragile and tentative way. “Is there an us?”


Oh, that is awful, melodramatic. I haven’t been minding the music, and now I must pay the price, scrambling to keep it in the background.

Mas no final os dois voltam a se reunir e a casa parece feliz:

I do not understand what has happened, cannot grasp the complex emotional shifts that have taken place here tonight. But I know that what’s happened is good, and that it will bring nothing but goodness upon all of us. This thought fills me with joy and confidence.

I do not want Chuck and Lucy to feel themselves observed or intruded upon; a good house knows when to butt out.

21.11.2016 / 22:18