Identifique a história de Ficção Científica na qual o viajante do tempo cria uma nova religião [duplicata]

Estou tentando lembrar o nome de um conto em que um criminoso estava sendo processado por um crime por um procurador zeloso. De alguma forma, o criminoso é capaz de viajar no tempo e remodelar a sociedade, talvez formando uma nova ordem religiosa. No momento em que ele volta ao presente, as leis são tais que, embora o promotor e o criminoso sejam as mesmas pessoas, os papéis são invertidos, e agora é o promotor quem é o criminoso e é condenado. Em minha lembrança, isso foi feito por Asimov, mas não consigo encontrar nenhuma de suas histórias que correspondam.

por Kevin N 08.03.2017 / 20:26

2 respostas

Se é de Asimov, soa muito perto de "The Winds of Change".

O cenário é em algum tipo de universidade, há três homens em uma sala esperando que uma mensagem chegue;

The protagonist starts by telling how everybody in there assumes that one of the other two men will be chosen to a high position in the university, the other man (his protegé) will also be favored by this change and the man who is doing the talking, who is hated by the other two, will be quickly fired.

Then he comments about their past history, about how, despite how the other two men have put forward very knowledgeable theories about time travel, they are both unable to use them. He tells that if the were able to travel through time he would have researched both of the other men to find their failures. In fact he mentions a couple of scientific mistakes by the other two men but qualifies them as too minor as to have any effect; if he were to denounce them for that it would look worse on himself (as a delator) than in the other two men.

He continues on telling about how the scientists think themselves above society, and how these men did ignore the rules of society and commited crimes. That it was ok when society was anarchic and had no rules, but he did change the society so that it now has rules and strict leaders. That he did lots of trials in that direction, not only to change the society but to ensure that the two men "crimes" were kept hidden.

He then relates how he has proof that both men did sign political manifestos in favor of freedom of speech and religion when were younger, and now he has denounced them to the authorities for those "crimes". The messenger arrives, arrests both men with charges that include witchcraft, takes the crosses the men were wearing on their suits, and confirms that the promotion will go to the narrator.

The story ends with the man considering asking for leniency for the captured men. But he reminds himself that he should only do that if it that is safe, and that under the rule of the Moral Majority nobody is completely safe.

08.03.2017 / 21:56

O elemento com o viajante do tempo sendo um criminoso, e a religião me fez pensar no conto de Philip K Dick The Skull .

O protagonista da história é um criminoso preso, que recebeu a chance de um perdão, sendo mandado de volta no tempo para matar um homem que é responsável por fundar uma religião que o atual governo quer enfraquecer ou destruir.

Ele acaba não voltando muito longe a princípio - sendo visto por um número de pessoas que parecem reconhecê-lo. Ele então vai mais longe e acaba entregando a mensagem anti-guerra e anti-violência que funda a religião logo antes de ele ser morto no passado, percebendo que ele será visto novamente em poucos meses.

09.03.2017 / 01:03