Qual foi o plano de Dooku para a Batalha de Coruscant?


Em Star Wars Episódio III: A Vingança dos Sith, durante a Batalha de Coruscant e pouco antes o segundo confronto do Conde Dookan com Anakin e Obi-Wan, aprendemos que esse confronto foi planejado.

CAPTAIN: TWO Jedi have landed in the main hangar bay.
GENERAL GRIEVOUS: Just as Count Dooku predicted.

Mas esse confronto não terminou do jeito que ele esperava:

PALPATINE: Good, Anakin, good. I knew you could do it. Kill him. Kill him now!
ANAKIN: I shouldn't . . .
Anakin cuts off Count Dooku's head.

Outros eventos mostram que o plano de seu mestre funcionou bem. Mas, isso não pode ser como Dookan pensou que seu plano acabaria.

O que Dooku planeja realizar raptando o chanceler e lutando contra os Jedi?
E ele tinha seu próprio plano para fazer o que Sith sempre faz: tomar o lugar de seu mestre?

por DavRob60 30.09.2011 / 18:04

6 respostas

De acordo com a novela Revenge of the Sith, de Matthew Stover (2005), o Conde Dookan foi enganado por Darth Sidious ao pensar que o plano era matar Obi-Wan, transformar Anakin no Lado Negro e permitir que ele fosse capturado. pela República. Depois de algum tempo de cativeiro, Dookan desertaria para a República e se juntaria a Sidious / Anakin para criar o novo Império. Isso não é completamente insano, já que, segundo o romance, Dookan é respeitado pelos cidadãos da galáxia como uma espécie de figura de Robert E. Lee.

Abaixo estão trechos do romance. Dookan aguarda o cativeiro e servir no novo Império:

"It will be," he said slowly, meditatively, as though he spoke only to himself, "an embarrassment to be captured by him." The voice that answered him was so familiar that sometimes his very thoughts spoke in it, instead of in his own. "An embarrassment you can survive, Lord Tyranus. After all, he is the greatest Jedi alive, is he not? And have we not ensured that all the galaxy shares this opinion?" "Quite so, my Master. Quite so." Again, Dooku sighed. Today he felt every hour of his eighty-three years. "It is ... fatiguing, to play the villain for so long, Master. I find myself looking forward to an honorable captivity."

A captivity that would allow him to sit out the rest of the war in comfort; a captivity that would allow him to forswear his former allegiances-when he would conveniently appear to finally discover the true extent of the Separatists' crimes against civilization-and bind himself to the new government with his reputation for integrity and idealism fully intact. The new government ... This had been their star of destiny for lo, these many years. A government clean, pure, direct: none of the messy scramble for the favor of ignorant rabble and subhuman creatures that made up the Republic he so despised. The government he would serve would be Authority personified. Human authority. It was no accident that the primary powers of the Confederacy of Independent Systems were Neimoidian, Skakoan, Quarren and Aqualish, Muun and Gossam, Sy Myrthian and Koorivar and Geonosian. At war's end the aliens would be crushed, stripped of all they possessed, and their systems and their wealth would be given into the hands of the only beings who could be trusted with them. Human beings. Dooku would serve an Empire of Man. And he would serve it as only he could. As he was born to. He would smash the Jedi Order to create it anew: not shackled by the corrupt, narcissistic, shabby little beings who called themselves politicians, but free to bring true authority and true peace to a galaxy that so badly needed both. An Order that would not negotiate. Would not mediate. An Order that would enforce. The survivors of the Jedi Order would become the Sith Army. The Fist of the Empire.

Sidious explica o plano de matar Obi-Wan para Dooku:

"Kenobi must die. Today. At your hand. His death may be the code key of the final lock that will seal Skywalker to us forever."

Dooku understood: not only would the death of his mentor tip Skywalker's already unstable emotional balance down the darkest of slopes, but it would also remove the greatest obstacle to Skywalker's successful conversion. As long as Kenobi was alive, Skywalker would never be securely in the camp of the Sith; Kenobi's unshakable faith in the values of the Jedi would keep the Jedi blindfold on Skywalker's eyes and the Jedi shackles on the young man's true power.

Still, though, Dooku had some reservations. This had all come about too quickly; had Sidious thought through all the implications of this operation? "But I must ask, my Master: is Skywalker truly the man we want?"

"He is powerful. Potentially more powerful than even myself."

"Which is precisely," Dooku said meditatively, "why it might be best if I were to kill him, instead."

Dookan vê o plano como um caminho para a Sith Masterhood:

Improving upon his Master's plan was near to impossible; his own idea, of substituting Kenobi for Skywalker, he had to admit was only the product of a certain misplaced sentimentality. Skywalker was almost certainly the man for the job. He should be; Darth Sidious had spent a considerable number of years making him so. Today's test would remove the almost. He had no doubt that Skywalker would fall. Dooku understood that this was more than a test for Skywalker; though Sidious had never said so directly, Dooku was certain that he himself was being tested as well. Success today would show his Master that he was worthy of the mantle of Mastery himself: by the end of the coming battle, he would have initiated Skywalker into the manifold glories of the dark side, just as Sidious had initiated him.

Mais do plano envolvendo Anakin e a destruição da Ordem Jedi:

With his heroic capture of Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker will become the ultimate hero: the greatest hero in the history of he Republic, perhaps of the Jedi Order itself. The loss of his beloved partner will add just exactly the correct spice of tragedy to give melancholy weight to his every word, when he gives his HoloNet interviews denouncing the Senate's corruption as impeding the war effort, when he delicately-oh, so delicately, not to mention reluctantly-insinuates that corruption in the Jedi Order prolonged the war as well. When he announces the creation of a new order of Force-using warriors. He will be the perfect commanding general for the Sith Army.

Dooku could only shake his head in awe. And to think that only days earlier, the Jedi had seemed so close to uncovering, even destroying, all he and his Master had worked for. But he should never have feared. His Master never lost. He would never lose. He was the definition of unbeatable. How can one defeat an enemy one thinks is a friend? And now, with a single brilliant stroke, his Master would turn the Jedi Order back upon itself like an Ethrani ourobouros devouring its own tail. This was the day. The hour. The death of Obi-Wan Kenobi would be the death of the Republic. Today would see the birth of the Empire.

"Tyranus? Are you well?"

"Am I . . ." Dooku realized that his eyes had misted. "Yes, my Master. I am beyond well. Today, the climax-the grand finale the culmination of all your decades of work ... I find myself somewhat overcome."

"Compose yourself, Tyranus. Kenobi and Skywalker are nearly at the door. Play your part, my apprentice, and the galaxy is ours."

14.10.2011 / 04:12

De acordo com o artigo da Wookipedia sobre Dooku e Sidious , o plano era atrair Anakin para o lado sombrio, mas ele não sabia que perderia a vida no processo.

Sidious's plan, as Tyranus understood it, was that the Count would kill Kenobi, provoking Skywalker into enough of a rage that the Jedi would tap into the dark side. At this point, Sidious would reveal himself to Skywalker, promptly converting him to the Sith cause. Dooku would then be "arrested," and defect to the Republic in captivity, re-emerging to aid Sidious in establishing a Sith Empire.

Quanto ao seu próprio plano, parece que Dookan ainda tinha opiniões sobre Obi-Wan, o fato de ele ter poupado sua vida (se intencional) pode ser parte disso.

Speaking to Sidious, Darth Tyranus requested that Kenobi be given one more chance to turn to the dark side, citing that a Jedi of Kenobi's integrity would lend support to the planned New Order. Sidious disagreed, claiming that Kenobi was too indoctrinated by the Jedi to turn, and he insisted Tyranus kill the Jedi Master.

Por alguma razão, ele provavelmente pensou que Obi-Wan era um melhor Jedi do que Anakin. Seu plano pode ter sido algo como: incapacitar Obi-Wan, matar Anakin e usar a raiva de Obi-Wan para convertê-lo ao Lado Negro e eliminar Sidius com sua ajuda.

Mas tudo isso permanece desconhecido, a traição inesperada de seu mestre tornou obsoleto qualquer plano que ele possa ter preparado.

Expecting his Master to intervene and save his life as Sidious had promised to do in the case of defeat, Tyranus instead was shocked to see the Dark Lord goad Skywalker to deliver the deathblow, and it was then that Dooku came to realize the second deception: Sidious never intended for the Count to survive; he was simply being used to create the Confederacy and make Sidious' plan truly possible.

01.10.2011 / 15:43

Eu mesmo posso ver algumas possibilidades. Sendo um Sith, poderia muito bem ter sido o plano de Dookan para tomar o lugar de seu mestre e tentar transformar ObiWan ou Anakin para ser seu aprendiz. Não seria a primeira vez que ele tentaria transformar o ObiWan. Também sabendo do interesse de seu mestre em Anakin, ele também podia ver Anakin como uma ameaça e vê-lo como a oportunidade ideal para matar Anakin sem fazer parecer que ele estava saindo de seu caminho para fazê-lo e arriscando a raiva de seu mestre.

Ele também pode ver como uma chance de eliminar dois dos Jedi mais strongs na ordem. Sabendo o quanto Anakin estava perto do chanceler e sabendo também que Anakin e ObiWan haviam desenvolvido a reputação de assumir esses tipos de missões, eles eram os candidatos mais prováveis a empreender uma missão de resgate.

30.09.2011 / 20:56

Dookan provavelmente pensou que seu mestre o ajudaria a terminar o Jedi ou que ele seria capaz de matá-lo sozinho.

Além disso, meu palpite seria que Palpatine tinha algum tipo de controle sobre Dooku, porque na trilogia original ele faz a mesma coisa com Vader para tentar recrutar Luke.

30.09.2011 / 18:54
Eu diria que Dookan estava ciente da Ordem 66 e planejou que ela fosse invocada e pegasse os jedis sem saber. Ele provavelmente assumiu que Anakin ficaria do lado dos Jedi e se recusaria a matar um cativo desarmado implorando por misericórdia. Que Anakin então se voltaria contra o Imperador e seria pego pelos guardas tentando matar o legítimo líder da República. Isso justificaria a ordem 66. Ele pode até ter esperado que Anakin realmente matasse Sideous para que Dooku pudesse tomar o seu lugar.

30.09.2011 / 21:36

Dooku era na época aprendiz de Palpatine, agindo sob suas ordens. Praticamente tudo o que você vê no Episódio II aconteceu de acordo com o design de Palpatine através de Dooku; Dookan era um líder aparente dos Separatistas e uma das forças motrizes por trás da guerra civil, que Palpatine havia planejado para obter poder na República.

Minha interpretação dos eventos do OP é assim: Dookan sabia que os Jedi iriam fazer todos os esforços para chegar até ele para resgatar o Chanceler Palpatine (que havia sido "seqüestrado" pelos Separatistas durante a batalha), e provavelmente enviaria seu melhor par; Obi-Wan e Anakin. Seu erro foi primeiro pensar que ele poderia derrotar os dois novamente, como ele tinha feito antes de Yoda entrar na Ep II, e segundo em acreditar que, se ele perdesse e fosse capturado, Palpatine o protegeria, o aprendiz de confiança.

O pensamento de Dookan foi um erro, porque esse não é o jeito do Lado Negro e nunca foi; Palpatine matou seu próprio mestre (a ambição secreta de qualquer aprendiz, uma vez que eles percebem que não podem ser iguais ao seu mestre enquanto o mestre vive), e sacrificaram vários aprendizes para seus projetos (acabou sendo sua ruína em RotJ). Palpatine estava simplesmente negociando; ele sentiu o medo e o orgulho em Anakin (junto com seu poder excepcional) e decidiu atraí-lo para o Lado Negro; ter dois aprendizes é redundante e perigoso quando você sabe que ambos querem matá-lo e pode decidir se juntar brevemente para fazê-lo.

06.10.2011 / 20:42