Onde estava Rey correndo para Takodana?


Logo depois que ela toca o sabre de luz de Luke, Maz Kanata diz a ela para pegar o sabre de luz, mas Rey está visivelmente chateado e se recusa, dizendo:

I am never touching that thing again, I don't want any part in this.


Ela então corre para fora do castelo e entra na floresta. Depois de correr por um tempo e ao parar para respirar, quando ela se vira, BB8 a segue. Ela diz ao BB8:

  • Rey - What are you doing? You have to go back...
  • BB8 - says something...
  • Rey - I am leaving...
  • BB8 - says something...
  • Rey - BB8, No you can't , you have to go back your too important... They will help you

Estou assumindo que ela iria encontrar o caminho de volta para Jakku, ou ela pretendia ir para outro lugar.

Isso obviamente não é abordado no filme, então eu estava procurando uma resposta provavelmente a partir da novelização ou algo fora do universo.

por KyloRen 11.10.2016 / 14:40

1 resposta

O roteiro (e os romances) parecem concordar que Rey estava simplesmente fugindo depois de ter sofrido um choque terrível. Quando ela finalmente parou e pensou sobre isso por alguns segundos, ela percebeu que ela só teria que se virar e marchar de volta para o castelo.

Antes que ela pudesse completar seu pensamento sobre sua próxima próxima ação (que presumivelmente teria sido pedir a Han para deixá-la em Jakku) a frota da Primeira Ordem apareceu.


[EXT. FOREST - DAY: Rey races through the forest and finally comes to a stop, overwhelmed and exhausted. At an emotional breaking point, she has no idea where to go, who to turn to. Then she HEARS A BEEP -- turns to see BB-8, catching up with her.]

The Force Awakens - Official Screenplay

Novelização Oficial

Overwhelmed and exhausted both physically and mentally, Rey finally slowed to a halt. Running solved nothing. Besides, she had nowhere to run to, and she could not run from herself. A familiar electronic chirp made her turn.

The Force Awakens - Official Novelisation

Novelização Júnior

REY finally stopped running, deep in the forest. She didn’t know why she had been running for so long; she had just felt the need. Now all she felt was exhaustion.


The astromech unit chirped a question of his own. He wanted to know where she intended they go. They? Just because the two of them had traveled together in the past, it didn’t mean they would do so in the future. Finn had reminded her of that.
But despite her pleas, the little droid refused to leave her. He would go wherever she went, to Jakku and back again if that’s what she wanted.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: A Junior Novel

História de Rey

REY RAN THROUGH THE FOREST outside of Maz’s castle. It was too much. She was tired of people she barely knew telling her how she should feel. She just wanted to go home to her simple life on Jakku. It was safe there.

The Force Awakens: Rey's Story

11.10.2016 / 14:55