Série de áudio sobre uma criança que passa por X


Eu estou tentando encontrar uma série de áudio que ouvimos na escola primária ('94 para ser exato). Pelo que me lembro, foi narrado por uma garota, mas o personagem que ela interpretou (X) poderia acordar em qualquer dia e ser uma pessoa completamente diferente. Ela viveria a vida como essa outra criança, homem ou mulher, por um período indeterminado de tempo até que ela acordasse novamente como outra pessoa. Eu não posso para a vida de mim encontrar algo parecido com isso no Google. Obrigado!

por Nodnarb Lavodnas 18.05.2018 / 07:04

1 resposta

As datas estão encerradas, mas esta é essencialmente a trama de Todos os dias por David Levithan (disponível como audiobook narrado pela atriz Alex McKenna ).

Da Wikipedia:

Every Day is about the story of A, a person who wakes up occupying a different body each day. As described by Frank Bruni of The New York Times, "A. doesn't have a real name, presumably because they don't have a real existence: they're not a person, at least not in any conventional sense, but they have a spirit, switching without choice from one host to the next and, for just 24 hours, replacing its consciousness with their own." A has their own memories, but they are also able to tap into the memories of the person whose body they are occupying.

The story begins with A waking up in the body of a teenage boy named Justin. Upon arriving to school, A meets Justin's girlfriend, Rhiannon, and feels an instant connection to her. Based on Justin's memories, A can tell that Justin and Rhiannon are having a rough time in their relationship, so in order to learn more about her, A invites her to the beach. The pair open up to one another, though A's sharing is limited and very carefully worded. A had never felt such a connection with anyone before, and so attempts to discover a way by which to stay in Rhiannon's proximity in days to come. A then does their best to convince Rhiannon that the day shared at the beach was not between her and Justin, but rather between her and A.

18.05.2018 / 13:49