As instruções do roteiro deixam bem claro que ela percebeu o batimento cardíaco extra, mas não o fez realmente sei o que fazer com isso.
MARTHA : Sorry, um. Right... Right...
She puts the stethoscope to left of his chest. Ba-boom-baboom-ba-boom.
But under that, an echo..? She looks up at the Doctor, puzzled. He just gives a big smile.
She moves the stethoscope over, to his right side. A second heartbeat, ba-boom-ba-boom-ba-boom.
Martha looks up, astonished, right into the Doctor's eyes. And he gives her the smallest wink.
Mais tarde, quando ele diz a ela que não é humano, ela ainda não acredita
He's just rising up, cautiously, stepping out - on Martha, following, a beat behind -
MARTHA : Oh I like that, 'Humans'! I'm still not convinced you're an alien -
até ...
Right in front of THREE JUDOON. The lead Judoon holds up his device, shines a light on the Doctor's forehead.
Wip-wip-wip - but then - wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
JUDOON : Non Human!
MARTHA : Oh my God, you really are!