Como Bran poderia fugir? [fechadas]


No final do episódio 5 da 6ª temporada de Game of Thrones :

while Hodor holds the door to prevent the White Walkers from getting outside the heart tree's cave, Bran and Mira flee through the storm.

Dado que

Bran is marked by the Walker and that the army does not fear the storm (these frozen guys live in this storm 24/7)

como faz sentido que Bran tenha a chance de realmente se afastar de seus perseguidores? É porque podemos esperar

Hodor to hold the door for a very long time even after he's dead? I would expect the army to catch up on him very easily in the next episode.

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at the end of the episode I felt like Bran and Mira managed to escape since they disappear in the storm. It was a relief in some sense. However it seems that there is no reason to expect them to have actually escaped for the reasons mentioned above. As clear from the comments, there must be an upcoming trick for them to get away. I was not asking for what the trick would be though.

por dv_bn 25.05.2016 / 12:08

1 resposta

Você realmente quer spoilers? Você não ficaria mais feliz esperando menos de uma semana para ver como / se ele fugir?

É claro que ainda não foi revelado, mas existe uma teoria baseada em imagens de pré-lançamento oficialmente lançadas e anúncios de elenco:

footage supposedly showing a rider rescuing Bran and Meera, and cast info showing the return of the actor who played Benjen Stark

25.05.2016 / 12:57