Ambos os arreios e airbags entram em ação.
De acordo com Clint que é administrador do site nos fóruns da Pinnacle Entertainment Grupo / Great White Games (Editora do Savage Worlds):
Well, it would work as the example listed, with 2 vehicles with 2 passengers each, 6 damage rolls would made, one for each participant.
To be specific (and as varied as possible), let's say a Semi hits an SUV at a relative speed of 35" for 7d6 damage, each vehicle has a driver and one passenger. The passenger is both cases is wearing a seat belt and the driver is not. The SUV also has air bags where the Semi does not.
The Semi takes 7d6 damage applied against its Toughness.
The SUV takes 7d6 damage applied against its Toughness.
The driver of the Semi (no seat belt/no air bag) takes 7d6 damage applied against his Toughness (+4 for the Semi's Armor).
The passenger of the Semi (seat belt/no air bag) takes 3d6 damage applied against his Toughness (+4 for the Semi's Armor).
The driver of the SUV (no seat belt/air bag) takes 2d6 damage applied against his Toughness (+3 for the SUV's Armor).
The passenger of the SUV (seat belt & air bag) takes 1d6 damage applied against his Toughness (+3 for the SUV's Armor).
Each of those damage rolls is made individually, even the ones with the same number of dice.
Clint Black Savage Worlds Core Rules Brand Manager
Ver como o passageiro usando o cinto de segurança e sendo adicionado por um airbag, leva menos dano do que o motorista com apenas um airbag.