Os requisitos do ETOPS variam entre voos de passageiros, de carga e sem receita?


Existem requisitos ETOPS diferentes para aeronaves dependendo do uso? Por exemplo, um voo de carga da FedEx precisa das mesmas classificações de ETOPS para voos sobre o oceano do que um vôo de passageiros? Além disso, que tal uma viagem de balsa ou de reposicionamento que não são voos de receita?

por Milwrdfan 28.03.2017 / 19:28

1 resposta

O requisito ETOPS é praticamente o mesmo para todas as aeronaves, independentemente do uso, contanto que esteja abaixo das partes 121 ou 135, conforme observado no InFO 07004 da FAA, Novos regulamentos ETOPS :

The new ETOPS rules are now applicable to:

Part 121

• All two-engine airplanes more than 60 minutes flying time from an adequate airport (at a one-engine-inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air).

• All passenger-carrying airplanes with more than two engines and more than 180 minutes flying time from an adequate airport (at a one-engine-inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air).

Part 135

• All multi-engine turbine-engine powered airplanes (other than all-cargo operations with airplanes having more than two engines) more than 180 minutes flying time (limited to 240 minutes flying time) from an airport meeting the requirements of part 135, §§ 135.385 or 135.393 and 135.219 at an approved one-engine-inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air.

No que diz respeito às diferenças, ETOPS é dispensado apenas em um caso :

The FAA ... however agree that for airplanes with more than two engines, passenger carrying operations may be excluded from the ETOPS maintenance program requirements and that all-cargo operations may be excluded from all ETOPS requirements.

A definição de ETOPS no mesmo documento abrange todas as aeronaves exceto quatro aeronaves de carga com motor:

Extended Operations (ETOPS) means an airplane flight operation other than an all-cargo operation in an airplane with more than two engines during which a portion of the flight is conducted beyond a time threshold identified in part 121 or part 135 of this chapter that is determined using an approved one-engine-inoperative cruise speed under standard atmospheric conditions in still air.

No que diz respeito aos voos sem receita, eles geralmente são operados de acordo com a Parte 91, portanto as regras do ETOPS não se aplicam. No entanto, é melhor planejar uma rota ETOPS para considerações de segurança (e para manter as seguradoras felizes).

28.03.2017 / 21:15
