No contexto, ele parece estar se referindo ao uso de desorientação para afastar a polícia de seu cheiro, presumivelmente impulsionando carros que eles não precisam e mudando de área para área, a fim de forçar a polícia a tentar trabalhar com eles (muito disfarçado). ) plano.
Por exemplo, se alguém quisesse roubar dez carros Lamborghini, talvez roubar três na primeira noite e seis ( desnecessários ) carros Mercedes confundiria a lei:
"You got maybe a better plan?" Donny Astricky asked, completely skeptical. "Yeah!" Kip said. "You spread it out. You move around. Shadow games and shit."
"Right," Memphis said, dismissing the comment. "Go on, Otto."
"Since we're on a truncated timetable, we take a day to shop it, a day to prep, and—"
"Hey," Kip interrupted. "Didn't you hear what I said?"
"Yes. We heard," Memphis said. "Shadow games. But what you have to understand, Kip, is that if you play shadow games, by the next night, the heat is on to you. With a one-night boost, by the time the first cars are reported stolen, your ship's set sail."
Kip and the others nodded begrudgingly. It made sense. Memphis nodded to Otto, who continued his analysis. - Gone in 60 Seconds: Movie Tie-in