Já vimos dois sóis sobre Ahch-To além da cena final?


Eu estava lendo Ahch-To realmente tem dois sóis? e pareceu-me que seria muito fácil ter a impressão de que o por do sol gêmeo era tudo na mente de Luke, já que eu não lembro de ver dois Sóis no Ahch-To antes daquela cena.

Então a minha questão é além da cena final em O Último Jedi , nós vemos o dois sóis na tela no filme?

por RedCaio 20.03.2018 / 23:32

2 respostas

Não. Em esta entrevista do comicbook.com com o diretor Rian Johnson, ele afirma:

We've never seen two suns over the island before. And it's the only shot in the whole island where you see two suns and it's slightly ambiguous as to whether he's actually seeing it.

21.03.2018 / 00:45

No que diz respeito à literatura sobre Fry, nós fazemos .

  • A primeira menção de sóis gêmeos está no prólogo, discutindo Tattoine

  • A segunda menção é o capítulo 7

    The late-afternoon suns hung low over the islands of Ahch-To, lengthening the shadows of the old stone huts. Below, the surf sighed, a rhythmic sound like static. Luke Skywalker sat on a bench outside his simple dwelling, next to a morose Chewbacca. Rey hovered nearby, reluctant to interrupt the two old friends in their mourning.

  • Isto está confirmado para não ser um erro de digitação no Capítulo 9:

    He’d spoken! She decided to count that as progress, and smiled as she followed him back down the well-worn path, trailing him until they reached the tumbled rocks and narrow beaches that fringed the shoreline. Seabirds called overhead and the salt air was sharp in Rey’s nose. On the beach, sea sows lounged torpidly in tide pools, waiting for the suns to warm them.

    e Capítulo 13

    Dawn on Ahch-To found the island shrouded in mist, tinted a fiery crimson by the rising suns.

    e, quando Rey está sentindo a Força:

    She could feel the warmth of the suns — not just on her face but on the rocks and the surface of the ceaseless tumble of the water. And cold, too, which surrounded the dark places where the roots of the island and the seafloor were revealed as one and the same. There was peace — mother porgs with their eggs, sheltered and safe in warm hollows—but also violence that left behind broken nests and shattered shells.

    e o capítulo 17

    The suns were dipping toward the horizon as Rey and Luke entered the Jedi temple, facing each other across the font in the center of the ancient space.

    e o capítulo 35 (quando Luke está fazendo sua meditação de batalha enquanto projeta para Crait)

    On Ahch-To, the suns were setting, bathing the peak of the mountain housing the Jedi temple in luminous orange.

  • A última menção (procurando por "gêmeos", "duais", "sóis") está no Capítulo 35, onde Luke desaparece - aquele que combina com a cena do filme :

    Luke opened his eyes and fell onto the ledge, the pebbles plunking down around him. He lay on his back, his breathing ragged with exhaustion. The twin suns had touched the horizon and were sinking into the ocean.

    BTW, o texto aqui não é ambíguo, ele vê sóis gêmeos.

  • Como um bônus extra, os últimos pensamentos de Luke na revista em quadrinhos " O Último Jedi " da Marvel são:

    And so it ends as it began. By the light of two suns

08.04.2018 / 10:08