Como as bactérias são capazes de mover a água de volta em Riven?


Na grande ilha de Riven, na selva, há um lago com água incomum. A partir da leitura de um caderno e de um artigo sobre a água de Rivenese , aprendi que isso é causado por algumas bactérias, mas poucos detalhes sobre como isso realmente funciona é dado. Como isso funciona?

  • As bactérias vivem na superfície da água e empurram a água de volta através da tensão ou as bactérias vivem dentro de toda a água e puxam a água com ela?
  • Existe alguma bactéria da vida real que exibe o comportamento de se afastar do calor ou ser capaz de empurrar a água dessa maneira?
  • Existe alguma outra tecnologia que possa similarmente afetar a água?
por Village 04.05.2012 / 14:43

1 resposta

Basicamente, o poder de "escrever" sobrepõe-se a praticamente tudo o que sabemos sobre física.

Aqui está um trecho do Livro de Atrus, de quando Atrus soube pela primeira vez que Catherine (ou qualquer um) era capaz de escrever eras.

"The writing ... well, as I said, the writings wonderful. It's poetic. But in practical terms . .. it's riddled with contradictions, I'm afraid. It breaks almost every single law of D'ni writing.It has no structure, no architecture. And some of these symbols . . . I've never seen them before. I'm not even sure they mean anything. Where did you learn them? Gehn never taught these to me."

Catherine shrugged.

"For such a place to exist..." Atrus sighed, then, closing the book, handed it back to her. "I'm afraid it wouldn't work, but it does paint wonderful pictures in my mind."

She smoothed her fingers over the pale lemon cover. The green and light blue flecks in it hadalways reminded her of grass and water, the predominant yellow of the sun. Fecund, it was, like the world surrounding her, but inside..."

That's good," she said. "It must be like a dream."

He stared at her, not understanding.

"When I go there ..."

He shook his head. "But you can't..."

"It was just like my dreams," she said, turning to face him again.

"No," he said forcefully, taking the book back from her. "It simply wouldn't work. Writing isn't like that. Its a science. A precisely structured equation of words."

She leaned across him, then opened the book, pointing to the descriptive image on the right-handpage. It was dark, so intensely dark that he had thought it blank. But there was something there.

He looked to her.

"I want you to see it."

"It's..." he said, softer now, the word almost a whisper. Yet even as he said it, she leanedacross him and placed his hand upon the image, smiling at him, her smile dissolving in the air ashe linked.


Atrus stepped out of the air into a huge, conical bowl of darkness. And in the middle of thatbowl, at the precise center of the massive, mile-wide hole that pierced it, a powerful column ofwater-as broad as a river-thundered straight up into the darkness until it was lost from sight, agreat spike of brilliant, crystalline light glowing like a fierce flame at its center where itemerged from the glowing depths. Atrus stared, dumbstruck.

As coisas se comportam do jeito que fazem em épocas porque foram escritas para se comportarem dessa maneira. Nos jogos, encontramos idades que se comportam de acordo com o que esperamos, porque todas as idades em Myst, por exemplo, foram escritas por Atrus, que é um homem de ciência. Riven foi escrito por Gehn, que era conhecido por sua escrita imperfeita, então o comportamento da água poderia ser devido a falhas, ou conhecer a personalidade de Gehn, seu único propósito era simplesmente fazer os túneis de água limpos.

04.05.2012 / 16:50