O novo AT-M6 pode resistir à tática do Snowspeeder?


Depois de investigar o novo modelo, descobri algumas coisas ... Ele tem mais armamento e proteção, é inspirado por um gorila e tem um impacto psíquico maior para instigar o medo.

Parece ser mais estável que os AT-ATs antigos e as novas patas dianteiras protegem os Snowspeeders.

Mas aquelas pernas da frente realmente fornecem algo que as defende de usar a mesma técnica novamente para derrubá-las?

por Gawey 18.12.2017 / 10:23

1 resposta

Sim, de acordo com o Dicionário Visual do filme, o AT-M6 modificado tem defesas específicas contra o cabo -wrapping ataque visto no Império Contra-Ataca. A parte frontal da perna possui arestas de corte (afiadas) de elevação.

"As portas de ventilação do mecanismo de pé também funcionam como cortadores de cabo"

Esta questão também foi abordada em uma entrevista com o supervisor de design do filme, Kevin Jenkins.

One of the questions that tied us up a lot is the fact that they’d been taken down by snowspeeders in The Empire Strikes Back, and it felt like everyone else is trying to avoid the problem of a four-legged version of a walker because they had been defeated on Hoth. So I sort of took that on board and I suggested to Rian, “Well, instead of a dog, what about a gorilla?”


The front legs are very heavily armored, and you can see almost up to the forearm. And again, that’s my take on, “You can’t take these down with a snowspeeder.” They’ve armored up the front or maybe they just cut the ropes because they are too big now. Also, the way they are balanced now is like a gorilla, because their knuckles are turned backwards and they’ve got very high shoulders. They are a completely different poise. Maybe they could even sort of kneel down or something.

StarWars.com: I’m glad to hear that they finally figured out how to defend against tow cables.

Kevin Jenkins: Well, it was more of a thought process of trying to base the design not upon something random but to move it forward.


18.12.2017 / 10:38