O que o logotipo da Galactic Republic deveria representar?


Eu originalmente queria perguntar sobre o logotipo do Império Galáctico, mas depois notei que parecia basicamente um logotipo invertido da República Galáctica, seu antecessor. A questão lógica torna-se então a origem desse logotipo.

Qual é a origem do logotipo da República Galáctica acima?

por Nzall 20.09.2016 / 16:31

1 resposta

Em Legends, originou-se de Bendu

Da Wikia

Bendu was a collection of non-confrontational beliefs practiced by the Bendu monks. The symbol of Bendu was a circle connected by eight even spokes, which represented the unification of the galaxy by the Force. Due to their study of numerology, the number eight created by this symbol had great meaning.

Império Sith

Symbol used by the Sith Empire during the Galactic War

Bendu (reduzido)

Reduced form of the Bendu symbol used on Anakin Skywalker's ship during the Clone Wars


Palpatine's Bendu inspired Imperial crest

Even though the symbol of the Bendu was eventually used by the Galactic Republic, they at first used their own symbol [Not given]. Curiously, the later reformed Sith Empire used a six-spoked symbol similar to the one used by the Republic after the Second Sith Civil War. By then, the Republic had adopted the symbol to represent their own role in galactic unification. A six-spoked form of the symbol was also used by the Republic during the Clone Wars immediately before the rise of the Empire. The symbol was later the basis for the emblem of the Galactic Empire. Then at the end of the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic restored the Old Republic's system government, though with editing of forms to reduce the probability of abuses. The Bendu was reinstated but, due to its similarity to the much-hated Imperial Crest, it was not widely adopted as an official symbol and the Alliance Starbird all but supplanted it.

The name "Bendu" may come from George Lucas's original name for the Jedi Knights: the Jedi Bendu. There are several instances wherein the symbol is used. In Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith during the Battle of Coruscant, Anakin's fighter bears the Clone Wars version of the six-spoke symbol and not the eight-spoke symbol. This can be seen when R2 fights the buzz droid.

Logotipos da República Velha

20.09.2016 / 16:40
