Teoricamente, sim.
Os Forsaken eram seres egoístas. Eles queriam poder para si mesmos, e o Dark One era um jeito de conseguir esse poder.
O Dark One era conhecido por matar seus Dreadlords ou Escolhidos (na Era das Lendas) se Ele pensasse que eles o trairiam.INTERVIEW: Jan 25th, 2005
TOR Questions of the Week Part II (Verbatim)
The Dark One has promised his followers immortality and power above all others on the Day of Return. In previous interviews you have said that this is within his power. My question is, will he? I mean, he doesn't seem very loyal or trustworthy to me. If (Light forbid) he breaks free, will he remember the "little people" or just destroy all the puny humans when he remakes the world in his own image?
"That's the big question for the Forsaken, isn't it. Can they trust the Dark One? You're right; he isn't very trustworthy or loyal. Greed leads people to believe strange things, to excuse the most abhorrent behavior on their parts—just check out the nightly news for confirmation—and at the root, that is what motivates the Forsaken and, in truth, most Darkfriends. Greed for power, greed for immortality. That makes them believe, because they want to believe. So will he grant these things? Maybe. After all, he gains more willing followers, more eager followers, if he is seen to give rewards. But will he care whether he has any followers at all in a world where he is all-powerful? Flip a coin and check which way the wind is blowing. Maybe you can find the answer there."
INTERVIEW: Jan 25th, 2005
TOR Questions of the Week Part II (Verbatim)
In Winters Heart, you mention that back in the Age of Legends, there were several other Forsaken that the Dark One had killed because he suspected they would betray him. What's their story? Were those people ever as high ranking as the 13 survivors, or where they more like high-ranking Dreadlords then actual Forsaken?
... "Some of those Forsaken the Dark One killed were every bit as high-ranking as the thirteen who were remembered, and who you might say constituted a large part of the Dark One's General Staff at the time of the sealing."
Então, sabemos que os Forsaken tinham o potencial de buscar seus próprios interesses, em vez dos interesses do Dark One. Eles não necessariamente estavam do lado do Dark One por qualquer razão que não fosse o ganho pessoal.
Assim, há a base para os Forsaken traírem o Dark One e se voltarem para a Luz. Acho que vemos um pouco disso com Asmodean, que provavelmente foi mais útil para Rand do que era necessário para sua sobrevivência.
Se voltar para a Light parecia uma opção melhor para qualquer um deles, então eu acho que eles poderiam ter. Enquanto o Escuro pode reivindicar suas almas, o Criador é mais poderoso, e Rand representa um tipo de Cristo ou Salvador. Isso implica que o arrependimento é possível, mesmo que isso signifique a morte imediata do indivíduo arrependido.
Também vemos que tudo pode ser desfeito no mundo da Roda do Tempo. O Taint em Saidin é limpo. Canalizadores cortados têm seu poder restaurado. O dano do Balefire pode ser curado. Rand supera sua escuridão no topo de Dragonmount. Então, tematicamente, há muito apoio para poder retornar à Luz.
RJ até mencionou que, se um Forsaken morrer, ele ainda pode renascer no Padrão, como é normal, e seu novo corpo / mente não é afetado pela encarnação anterior:
INTERVIEW: Apr, 2003
Budapest Q&A (Verbatim)
I have an exciting question, maybe, we heard of making the Forsaken reborn, so has the original body any reflection to the mind of the Forsaken?
"Well, if a Forsaken dies and is reborn naturally, through the turning of the Wheel, no."
Não encontrei citações que falassem o contrário, e examinei todas as citações contendo "Forsaken" ou "Chosen" do banco de dados de entrevistas da Wheel of Time (link na parte inferior).
Praticamente não.
Como mencionado anteriormente, os Forsaken são seres egoístas, e os 13 restantes durante as séries foram os piores dos piores. Então, enquanto a opção por eles virarem de lado pode ter teoricamente existido para eles, nunca teria sido algo que eles realmente consideraram ou experimentaram, por causa de suas terríveis ideologias e personalidades.
Por exemplo, eles foram prometidos a vida eterna, desde que seguissem o Escuro e chegassem ao Dia do Retorno. Nós vemos que Ele é capaz de manter esta promessa, de certa forma, quando vários Forsaken são trazidos de volta em novos corpos. Para essas pessoas egoístas, a chance de imortalidade seria grande demais para desistir. Com o Criador, eles iriam renascer , mas eles não seriam mais eles mesmos.
Citações de apoio:
No, they do not believe they are immortal, but they believe they will be. All they need to do is get the Dark One free. And they have been promised this. This is their reward for getting him free. If they manage to get him out of that prison, he will grant them immortality. And they believe this because they have seen him in the past, as he has done now, bring the dead back to life. Give the dead new bodies. Transfer souls from a dying body into a young and healthy body. They've seen him do this. So they know that can be done. So it's not as though they are believing something, somebody just walked up to you and said "I can make you immortal if you go out and do this, kill and do awful deeds". They've seen him, they have seen these incredible things done. So they have reason to believe.
E outra citação da Jordânia sobre a natureza dos Forsaken:
Now about how evil the Forsaken are. I'm not really sure you define evil. Part of what I am writing about is just how ordinary evil is. In many ways, without the One Power, the Forsaken would be no more than Darkfriends, though perhaps a bit more than ordinary. True, their callousness toward the pain, suffering, even death of ordinary people, and the way they submerge everything and everyone in their own quest for power—and true immortality—their willingness to deliver the world to the Dark One in that quest, are shared by many who do not have their powers. The point is that they are human; they haven't gotten rid of human emotions, or human weaknesses except for a few physical ones. They are not gods, nor even demi-gods, though they seek to be and think they already are. But believe me, there is nothing they will not do to achieve their goals, no price too high to pay—especially if it is paid by someone else, or millions of someone elses. And Lanfear holding back and doing good for Rand's sake? Ha! She was psychically fixed on possessing a man who never loved her. Even with that, her desire for Rand was as much a desire for power as for him. To be the one to deliver the Dragon Reborn to the service of the Shadow; that would set her above the other Forsaken. And learning that the access ter'angreal for the two huge sa'angreal were still in existence....Sure, she wanted his love—not least because it had been denied her; Lanfear was a woman who claimed a right to anything she wanted—wanted his devotion, but even more than his body, Lanfear wanted power, the power possibly to replace the Dark One, even to replace the Creator. For Rand's sake? Not a chance.
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