Os documentos legalmente exigidos a bordo diferem por jurisdição. Eu só posso falar sobre o caso aqui nos EUA, que se enquadra na FAA. Se o voo for entre duas jurisdições, pode haver regulamentos locais para cumprir com o seu destino também. Por exemplo, se deixar os EUA, todos a bordo devem ter seus passaportes, bem como quaisquer formulários personalizados pertinentes.
What are they used for?
Geralmente, esses documentos são usados para referência. Aqui nos EUA é geralmente proibido ler material pessoal no cockpit, mas os pilotos estão livres para ler a documentação relativa às aeronaves e operações. Eles podem escolher usar o tempo em vôo para ler as coisas.
Esses documentos também incluem procedimentos de emergência que a tripulação pode precisar usar em caso de falha.
What are the other major documents necessary to fly?
Além do que o avião precisa, a tripulação também deve ter certificados médicos e licenças de pilotos atuais para suas pessoas.
Se dermos uma olhada em FAR 121.135
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no
certificate holder may operate an aircraft unless that aircraft—
Is registered as a civil aircraft of the United States and carries an
appropriate current airworthiness certificate issued under this
chapter; and
(2) Is in an airworthy condition and meets the applicable
airworthiness requirements of this chapter, including those relating
to identification and equipment.
(b) Um detentor de certificado pode usar um
sistema de controle de peso e balanceamento aprovado com base na média,
ou peso estimado para cumprir com a aeronavegabilidade aplicável
requisitos e limitações operacionais.
(c) Um detentor de certificado pode
operar em transporte comum, e para o transporte de correio, um
aeronave que é alugado ou fretado para ele sem tripulação e é
registada num país que seja parte na Convenção sobre a
Aviação Civil Internacional se—
(1) The aircraft carries an
appropriate airworthiness certificate issued by the country of
registration and meets the registration and identification
requirements of that country;
(2) The aircraft is of a type design
which is approved under a U.S. type certificate and complies with all
of the requirements of this chapter (14 CFR Chapter 1) that would be
applicable to that aircraft were it registered in the United States,
including the requirements which must be met for issuance of a U.S.
standard airworthiness certificate (including type design conformity,
condition for safe operation, and the noise, fuel venting, and engine
emission requirements of this chapter), except that a U.S.
registration certificate and a U.S. standard airworthiness certificate
will not be issued for the aircraft;
(3) The aircraft is operated by
U.S.-certificated airmen employed by the certificate holder; and (4)
The certificate holder files a copy of the aircraft lease or charter
agreement with the FAA Aircraft Registry, Department of
Transportation, 6400 South MacArthur Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK
(Mailing address: P.O. Box 25504, Oklahoma City, OK 73125).
Eles diferem entre fabricantes ou companhias aéreas?
As companhias aéreas podem publicar documentação e listas de verificação em excesso que atendam ou excedam as especificações de fabricação, e algumas companhias aéreas podem ter procedimentos ligeiramente variados. Os fabricantes de aeronaves devem publicar documentação para a aeronave que inclua as suas limitações operacionais, você pode encontrar um boa parte dos regulamentos nas FARs aqui . Especificamente,
§23.1581 General.
(a) Furnishing information. An Airplane Flight Manual must be
furnished with each airplane, and it must contain the following:
(1) Information required by §§23.1583 through 23.1589.
(2) Other information that is necessary for safe operation because of
design, operating, or handling characteristics.
(3) Further information necessary to comply with the relevant
operating rules.
(b) Approved information. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2)
of this section, each part of the Airplane Flight Manual containing
information prescribed in §§23.1583 through 23.1589 must be approved,
segregated, identified and clearly distinguished from each unapproved
part of that Airplane Flight Manual.
(2) The requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section do not apply
to reciprocating engine-powered airplanes of 6,000 pounds or less
maximum weight, if the following is met:
(i) Each part of the Airplane Flight Manual containing information
prescribed in §23.1583 must be limited to such information, and must
be approved, identified, and clearly distinguished from each other
part of the Airplane Flight Manual.
(ii) The information prescribed in §§23.1585 through 23.1589 must be
determined in accordance with the applicable requirements of this part
and presented in its entirety in a manner acceptable to the
(3) Each page of the Airplane Flight Manual containing information
prescribed in this section must be of a type that is not easily
erased, disfigured, or misplaced, and is capable of being inserted in
a manual provided by the applicant, or in a folder, or in any other
permanent binder.
(c) The units used in the Airplane Flight Manual must be the same as
those marked on the appropriate instruments and placards.
(d) All Airplane Flight Manual operational airspeeds, unless otherwise
specified, must be presented as indicated airspeeds.
(e) Provision must be made for stowing the Airplane Flight Manual in a
suitable fixed container which is readily accessible to the pilot.
(f) Revisions and amendments. Each Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) must
contain a means for recording the incorporation of revisions and
Are they available on paper or display?
Depende da operadora, uma grande quantidade de movimento para iPads e tal tem visto a digitalização de muitas coisas.