Thor estava tentando ajudar ou atrapalhar o plano de Stark e Banner?


Toda essa questão é um spoiler:

When Thor appeared at Tony Stark’s lab when they were trying to revive The Vision while in the cradle, he hit it with Mjolnir's lightning

A intenção de Thor foi destruí-lo, ou ele aprendeu algumas informações depois

going to the cave and itend Mjolnir to revive The Vision?

por Franz 24.04.2015 / 12:05

2 respostas

Thor fez não querer destruí-lo, eis porque ele fez isso:

1. Just after Vision is born, Steve asks Thor if he "Helped create this?". Thor replies with an affirmative tone that this had connections with the vision he saw in the Water of Sight.

2. When Thor is first enchanted by Scarlet Witch, he has a hallucination. In the Hallucination, Heimdall holds him, and then suddenly the screen turns white. Thor sees an image of the 6 infinity stones, & of Vision opening his eyes. This is the exact scene from the trailer, just displayed for a mere split second.

3. Thor & the rest of the team did not want the Infinity stone to touch the surface. This is confirmed when the Avengers are trying to get hold of the Cradle, & Steve tells them over the radio comm that "The stone should not touch the surface or it will wipe out the entire city". Thor could have shared the same fear, thus letting the Stone get integrated into Vision.

24.04.2015 / 12:30

Acho que a julgar pelo que aconteceu antes, podemos concluir que Thor estava realmente tentando

give life to The Vision, and imbue that life with some aspect of Thor himself.

Antes de Thor entrar, Stark e Banner estavam tentando

insert J.A.R.V.I.S. into the body in the cradle, so that he would control it, and not Ultron.

No entanto,

Quicksilver disconnected most of the wires from the cradle, which seemed to interrupt this process, potentially dangerously.

Após a intervenção de Thor

Thor explains that he learned from the cave that the being in the cradle had an Infinity Stone in it, and that it was important that the being could keep the stone safe from Ultron. Presumably, he was therefore trying to make the being into someone who would do so.

Quando vemos

The Vision, not only does he imitate Thor’s clothes, but he is able to wield Mjolnir. This suggests Thor managed to put a bit of himself into The Vision.

26.04.2015 / 03:17