Alien troca cartas com humanos, truques humanos em trocar corpos


Eu li uma história em que um alienígena troca uma série de cartas com um humano, no decorrer do qual ele convence o humano a trocar corpos com ele. No final da história, é revelado que o alienígena era prisioneiro em seu planeta natal e que ele havia enganado o humano. Além disso, nos é dito que o humano estava realmente em uma cadeira de rodas, e ele foi quem realmente enganou o alienígena.

por Saransh 23.02.2017 / 15:22

2 respostas

"Caro Amigo da Pena" "Carta das Estrelas", um conto de A. E. van Vogt , publicado pela primeira vez em The Arkham Sampler Inverno de 1949 ; a reimpressão em Nebula Science Fiction , número 1, outubro de 1952 é disponível no Internet Archive . Esta história popular surgiu antes neste site, aqui e aqui .

Resumo da trama de Wikipédia :

The one-sided dialog takes the form of correspondence from Skander, an alien, to an unnamed human whose replies are not presented. Skander spends some time in the first letters describing his home planet of Aurigae II, a hot planet circling a star in Auriga. Later, Skander admits that he is a criminal, incarcerated for conducting illegal scientific experiments. Desiring to see his pen pal, he sends several photographic sheets that can be exposed if the user simply thinks about a picture being taken.

The last letter is from the unnamed human back to Skander. The human is now in Skander's body. He realized long ago that Skander was trying to scam him, and immediately took the "photographs" to the Earth authorities. They informed him they were a form of consciousness transfer device that Skander was attempting to use to escape from prison. Learning this, the human went through with the process anyway.

He hopes that Skander will enjoy the short time that he has left, trapped in a dying wheelchair-bound body.

23.02.2017 / 15:40

Uma correspondência parcial, Mindswap de Robert Sheckley, tem Marvin Flynn, o protagonista, trocar com um estrangeiro que acaba por ser um prisioneiro. No entanto, eu não acredito que Marvin é aleijado de qualquer forma, e é um romance de longa-metragem, onde o toque de prisioneiro é aprendido desde o início.

In the future, interstellar travel to alien worlds will be too expensive for most ordinary people. It certainly is for Marvin, a college student who wants to take a really good vacation. And so he signs up for what he can afford, a mindswap, in which your consciousness is swapped into the body of an alien lifeform. But Marvin is unlucky, and finds himself in the body of an interstellar criminal, a body that he has to vacate fast. But that criminal consciousness has stolen Marvin's earthly body, and Marvin has to find a body on the black market.

Travel from world to world with Marvin, each one crazier than the last, as he keeps finding far from ideal bodies in awful situations, just to stay alive.

23.02.2017 / 15:34