Sidney Kravitz, que traduziu a versão para a qual você cria um link, lista parcial em uma nota para alguém interessado em consertar a tradução de Kingston:
- Second, Kingston's most serious error by far is his alteration of Nemo's recital in Chapter XVI of Part III. I am tempted to call this the most serious error in any English translation of Verne's novels.
- Third, you might care to change Captain Harding to Cyrus Smith throughout (also change Pencroft to Pencroff).
- Fourth, the second paragraph in Chapter X, Part II, is omitted. It deals with details in the design of a small sailing vessel. I once thought that Kingston omitted this paragraph because he was unfamiliar with its nautical language. On the contrary, the Encyclopedia Britannica (1944 edition) states that Kingston (1814-1880) "...had a practical knowledge of seamanship, and his stories of the sea, full of thrilling adventures and hairbreadth escapes, exactly hit the taste of his boy readers." If you can fill in this paragraph in your version you will find that most readers will quickly skim over it.
- Fifth, on the outward trip to Tabor Island (Chapter XIII, Part II) Captain Pencroff was perfectly satisfied with his crew (but it won't corrupt your readers if they know that he spoke of rewarding them with nothing less than a quarter liter of wine).
- Sixth, Kingston omits simple-to-translate words, phrases and paragraphs on almost every page and I can think of no reason why he did this. If you attempt to fill in these omissions then you will end up doing what I ended up doing namely to do your own translation from scratch.