Estacionamento grátis em Bath UK


Onde posso estacionar em Bath gratuitamente, para que seja conveniente para o centro da cidade? Eu estarei lá 22 de dezembro - 29 de dezembro, então em ambos os feriados e dias de semana normal.

por Grzenio 21.12.2011 / 17:29

2 respostas

Resposta curta: você não pode, desculpe: / O estacionamento é escasso nas ruas apertadas e estreitas de Bath.

A resposta longa vem de Wikitravel :

It is very easy to get lost in Bath, as a lot of it is one-way and there's a traffic system that prevents you driving from one side of the city to the other. You have to go out on an unofficial ring road and re-enter the city. Furthermore, the high population density, the lack of a city bypass and the low capacity of the old narrow streets means that congestion is often horrendous. In particular, on Saturdays the car parks will all be full, and the roads will be blocked by people queueing to get into these car parks, a problem made worse since the opening of the new Southgate car park. At peak times, it can be quicker to walk from the edge of Bath to town, rather than driving and finding somewhere to park. The short answer - don't drive in Bath.

Parking in central Bath is often a nightmare and two hour limits apply on many streets. Most of the smaller long stay car parks will be full by 8:30AM during the working week so you have to get in early. Major central multi-storey car parks are based at Walcot Street, Manvers Street (near the train stations) and Charlotte Street (off Queens Square). Average 2010 rates are around £3 an hour - or the more prohibitive pay and display in central bath at £1.30p per 30 minutes in the most convenient street locations. Many parking bays are "residents parking only" so check before leaving your car. Traffic wardens are very efficient so don't even think of parking on a yellow line or going over your time limit. On Sundays and between 7PM and 8AM other days most parking is free, however check machines for exact details.

The best way to drive into town is to use the park and ride facilities [12] when travelling into Bath for the day. You can park for free and then take a bus for £2.20 per adult return (round-trip, discounts exist) right into the city. The only downside to this is that the last bus leaves at 8:30PM, so you can't use this service if you're staying in Bath late.

23.12.2011 / 12:12

Sei que a data já passou - mas, para referência futura, você pode considerar 2 opções - não gratuitas - mas talvez mais baratas do que o conselho ou o PCN:

  • ParkatmyHouse - do site: criado para conectar proprietários de casas e empresas que gostariam de ganhar dinheiro com o aluguel de seu espaço com motoristas que precisam de um local conveniente, seguro e econômico para estacionar.

    Não apenas Bath, mas todo o Reino Unido! Lugares particularmente populares incluem Twickenham, Surrey / Londres para o Rugby - e eu imagino que aqueles com áreas de estacionamento em Bath também seriam populares pelo mesmo motivo.

  • Raileasy - Se houver alguma possibilidade de que um carro não seja necessário - este site tem como objetivo viajar para vários eventos que têm estações de trem nas proximidades.

(não tenho envolvimento em nenhum serviço).

03.01.2012 / 21:41