"Fae" neste contexto são seres do Reino Superno chamado Arcadia onde Acanthus Awaken, ao invés do outro lugar chamado Arcadia onde os Changelings são tirados e escapam. O livro principal do Mago não faz referência ao Changeling! Arcadia ou Changeling! Fae, então as fae mencionadas nas regras do efêmero devem se referir ao Mago! Fae do Mago! Arcadia. O desenvolvedor falou sobre essa distinção.
Yeah, Changeling's Arcadia is not Mage Arcadia; the Fae Acanthus mages summon and deal with are not the Gentry, just like the Beasts Thyrsus summon aren't Begotten, and the Demons Mastigos summon aren't Unchained. Changeling was the only game that teased such a connection (absent throwaway bits of Geist, which are also being chucked) and I'm cutting it off.
David Brookshaw