Sim, um trouxa pode fazer algo com uma varinha.
De acordo com a nova marca "História da Magia Americana"
Bartholomew had disseminated his leaflets widely, and a few newspapers had taken him seriously enough to print pictures of Dorcus’s wand and note that it ‘had a kick like a mule’ if waved.
Temos uma citação similar da Escola de Magia e Bruxaria Ilvermorny . Note que a varinha se revolta contra o uso de um trouxa.
As Isolt watched, James finished marking the graves he had dug by hand, then picked up the two broken wands that had lain beside the Boot parents. Frowning he examined the sparking core of dragon heartstring that protruded from Mr Boot’s, then gave it a casual wave. As invariably happens when a No-Maj waves a wand, it rebelled. James was sent flying backwards across the clearing, hit a tree and was knocked out cold.
Também vemos um exemplo de filme de um não-mago (neste caso, um macaco) usando uma varinha em Fantastic Feras e onde encontrá-los .
A JKR abordou este ponto em uma entrevista em 2006;
I been asked what would happen if a Muggle picked up a magic wand in my world. And the answer would probably be something accidental... possibly quite violent. Because a wand, in my world, is merely a vehicle — a vessel for what lies inside the person.
e novamente nas notas de rodapé de " Os contos de Beedle, o bardo "
While the “rogue” ability to perform magic sometimes appears in those of apparent non-magical descent (though several later studies have suggested that there will have been a witch or wizard somewhere on the family tree), Muggles cannot perform magic. The best — or worst — they could hope for are random and uncontrollable effects generated by a genuine magical wand, which, as an instrument through which magic is supposed to be channeled, sometimes holds residual power, which it may discharge at odd moments
Isso deixa claro que enquanto um verdadeiro trouxa não pode geralmente criar uma força mágica controlável como uma magia ou um feitiço através de seus poderes mágicos, eles poderia potencialmente criar um big bang ou uma explosão da magia remanescente dentro de uma varinha mágica.
Há também a possibilidade (evidentemente pequena, mas ainda real) de que eles tenham uma herança mágica suficiente para fazer uma varinha fazer algo .