Sim, no primeiro episódio
Ao aprovar alguns gastos da Fundação Wayne, Bruce observa:
Bruce: My resources are behind you... in full.
Harris: You're a real champion, Mr. Wayne.
Female visitor: Indeed you are.
Bruce: Don't mention it, Mr. Harris. Perhaps if there had been anti-crime centers of the type you now propose when my parents were murdered by dastardly criminals...
Batman Season 1 Episode 1: "Hi Diddle Riddle"
Há outra menção no final do episódio, quando Bruce está pensando em desistir de sua identidade de luta contra o crime em face de um processo de prisão equivocado do Charada:
Alfred: A million dollars...
Bruce: It's not the money, Alfred, it's the idea of it: my identity revealed, my value as a secret crime-fighter ended, everything I've trained myself for since my parents were murdered, in the ash-can.
Batman Season 1 Episode 1: "Hi Diddle Riddle"