Apesar de ser totalmente acenado à mão no programa e filmes como sendo uma das coisas que o transportador apenas faz (juntamente com a remoção do momento) esse problema foi abordado em pelo menos um dos membros da TNG. romances.
Em Indistinguível da magia , o Capitão Geordi LaForge está testando um novo sistema de transporte mais rápido. Aparentemente, uma de suas principais falhas é que ela funciona muito rapidamente para permitir o processo normal de equalização da pressão de ar:
Captain’s Log, Stardate 60214.1. Since Tyler Hunt’s memorial service and the completion of the Challenger’s repairs, we have been on an extended detachment to test a new transporter upgrade that’s intended to provide near-instantaneous transport. No visible materialization phase, just pop, and you’re there. I’m sorry that that doesn’t really sound technical enough, but it’s the most accurate description of that I’ve heard so far. The ideal is that the full dematerialization and dematerialization phases should, together, take no more point zero two of a second. So far, the technology works, but the pressure differential caused by so quick a departure or arrival has — according to the results from testing with human-analog test objects — burst eardrums and caused other pressure-related problems. As a result, the program has gone back to the drawing board at the Daystrom Institute, and Challenger, I hope, will be free to resume a duty that, I don’t mind admitting, I find more appealing.