Como Eddie Thawne mencionou na primeira temporada:
So everyone but Iris?
basicamente todo mundo e sua mãe conhecem o " Segredo " Identidade do Flash (atualmente, já que a pergunta pergunta sobre quantas pessoas sabem , a resposta - dependendo da sua definição de vivo e pessoas - é 26-28 os indivíduos sabem disso, o que aumenta para mais de 30 se você incluir pessoas já falecidas, no conhecimento):
- A Família :
Henry Allen, Joe West, Iris West (& Nora Allen, technically, for all the good that information did her)
- Os colegas de trabalho (da família):
Eddie Thawne, Linda Park
- A namorada :
Patty Spivot (who figured it out all on her own, and didn't actually get a real confirmation from anybody, but called The Flash by his real name under her breath with her last words, so she does indeed know, and would technically fit into the previous category)
- A tripulação do Star Labs :
Harrison Wells (Earth 1 & Earth 2), Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Ronnie Raimond, Jax Jackson, Dr. Martin Stein and his wife Clarissa Stein, Jay Garrick and the (maybe currently still locked up in the Pipeline, who knows really?) Henry Hewitt, Bette Sans Souci.
- A seta da equipe (estendida) :
Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, John Diggle, Lyla Michaels, Roy Harper, Thea Queen, Laurel Lance
- Os Vilões :
Lennard (Captain Cold) Snart, Malcolm "I'm Ra's al-Ghul" Merlyn, General Wade Eiling, Grodd (do Gorilla's count?), Clyde Mardon (he at least saw Flash without the mask, but didn't live long enough to tell anyone about it), Tony Woodward, Zoom.
- As Legendas :
Cold, Jax, Ray, Stein (again), Kendra "Hawkgirl" Saunders, Carter "Hawkman" Hall, most probably (being from the future, and having Gideon as his crewmate, but as of yet unconfirmed) Rip Hunter -- so basically all of them except Sara Lance and Mick Rory.